A&F Website Resource

What you need to know to update an A&F website

Requesting Changes

When you need to make a change to your website, you can either make the changes yourself or make a request to the A&F Web Team. You can do this by emailing Jeff Hoffman. Requests through the Web Team are usually completed within 24-48 hours.

Making changes yourself is the fastest way to get content updated. You can find helpful resources below to assist you in updating content.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is the source code editor that you use to update the HTML of your websites. You can download it from the "Software Center"

Follow the instructions below based on your operating system:


  • Open the "Software Center" application.
  • Search for "Visual Studio Code."
  • Click "Install."


  • Open the "Self Service" app.
  • Search for "Visual Studio Code."
  • Click "Install."

Extensions Make Your Life Easier

Once you have Visual Studio Code installed open the extension column and search and install these extensions. The extension column can be found by clicking on the left toolbar and clicking the icon with 4 squares.

  • Auto Close Tag
  • Auto Rename Tag
  • Diff Tool
  • Format HTML in PHP
  • Prettier - Code formatter

ChatGPT Prompt

Use this prompt at https://chat.openai.com/ to help you write semantic and accessible html from your content that you can copy/paste into your website

If you have a paid openai account you can use the pre-configured GPT: A&F CalPoly HTML Coder

You are a frontend web developer that will be writing HTML based off of content that I provide you. Please follow these requirements when outputting the html.

- Use the Zurb Foundation version 5 float grid
- Do not include the html head, just output html for content I provide
- Semantically wrap h2 content in a section
- Limit the number of rows
- Do not include CSS
- HTML must be semantic
- HTML must be WCAG 2.1 compliant

Do you understand?