TERM 202X Important Dates

Tuition-Registration Fees - Fall Quarter Posted based on enrollment
Housing/Dining - Annual Charges Viewable 8/16/2024
Students NOT "Deferred by Financial Aid"Past due: 8/29/2024 - Class Cancellation: 9/10/2024
Students "Deferred by Financial Aid" — Past due: 9/18/2024 - not subject to class cancellation

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Registration & Other Fees

Tuition Fee - State University Tuition

UnderGrad (UGrad) or Post Baccalaureate (PBAC) Base Tuition - Your State University Tuition dollars support overall instruction, materials, facilities, and services provided by Cal Poly.

College (Based) Acad. Fee

The College Based Academic Fee is a mandatory fee, approved by a vote of the students to help support and enhance instructional programs in each of department of the university - amount varies based on the specific college associated with a student's academic program.

CP Academic Fee - Campus Academic Fees

Campus Academic Fees are dedicated to support university-wide projects that address (1) educational quality, (2) student learning and progress toward degree completion, and (3) institutional productivity. Funds may also be allocated to support the degree programs, faculty, staff, and students in individual colleges.

Student Success Fee

The purpose of the Student Success Fee is to increase access to classes and labs, help fund initiatives to increase graduation rates, help fund targeted and intentional efforts that will improve the graduation and retention rates of all of our students, and to help fund interdisciplinary Learn By Doing experiences.


ASI Athletic Fee

Associated Students (ASI) Fees are dedicated to support ASI programs, services and student government representation including General Programming, Student Community Services, the Children's Center and Athletic Scholarships (ASI Athletic Fee).

IRA General Fee

IRA Athletics Fee

Instructionally Related Activity (IRA) Fees support a variety of extra-curricular campus programs such as radio, drama, music, art exhibits, agricultural events and other instructionally related programs. Intercollegiate Athletics is partially supported by the IRA Athletics Fee.

UU Fee

UU Sports Fee

The purpose of the University Union Fee is to support University Union programs, services and administration. The UU Sports Fee supports recreational center operations & maintenance as well as as intramural sports and collegiate sport clubs.

Health Service Fee

The Health Service Fee supports the student Health Services department as well as Health and Wellness programs on the Cal Poly campus.

Health Facility Fee

The Health Facility Fee helps cover the maintenance costs of student Health Centers.

Campus ID Card

The purpose of the Campus ID Card Fee is to support operation and maintenance of the Cal Poly ID card and its uses. This card can be used for Campus Dining meal plans, library services, Campus Express Club purchases, access to the Recreation Center and free transportation on city buses.

Student Involvement and Representation Fee (SIRF) - Optional

The SIRF is a CSU system wide voluntary fee charged twice a year in Fall and Spring terms to support the programs and operations of the California State Student Association (CSSA). Students may opt out of the fee in the first part of any quarter (up until the term's census date) by clicking the OPT OUT icon next to the charge in viewable in the Student Center - Account Activity.

Other Fees That May Apply

Non-Res Tuition Fee

In addition to State University Tuition, students who are not California Residents will also be assessed a per-unit Non-Resident Tuition charge.

Cal Poly Opportunity Fee (CPOF)

The purpose of the Cal Poly Opportunity Fee is to improve the quality of the university's Learn by Doing education. The funds generated by this fee are to be used to ensure academic success through increased advising, improve degree completion through hiring additional faculty, and create greater access to a broad range of qualified students.

Commencement Fee

A Commencement Fee will be charged to Undergraduates who have an Expected Academic Progress percentage (EAP %) equal to or greater than 75% and have not already paid the Commencement Fee. For Graduate and Credential students, the Commencement Fee will be charged in the first term of enrollment or subsequent term. The Commencement Fee is charged once for each degree program. For additional information see Commencement Fee.

Late Registration and Late Add Fees

If you enroll in classes after registration rotation appointments, and are not already enrolled in at least one class, a $25 Late Registration Fee will be charged to your account and must be paid with your other registration and tuition payments.

A $20 per class Late Appeal Add Fee is charged when adding courses during the late appeal period.

Professional Program Fee

The Professional Program Fee is assessed to students on a per unit basis for enrollment in Masters of Business Administration degree courses that are subject to accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB International).

International Student Health Insurance

The California State University system requires international students on F-1 and J-1 visas to maintain health insurance coverage while enrolled in classes at Cal Poly. This International Student Health Insurance protects the student from having to pay large medical bills that can arise even from simple medical procedures. International Students are enrolled in the campus health insurance plan upon enrollment in classes each term including summer.