Sample Page - Data Tables

For more information on creating accessible data tables see the Accessibility > Row and Column section of the Web Authoring Resource Center.

Examples of Accessible Data Tables

These example tables contain captions and summaries. When you copy any of these tables into your page you must edit the caption and summary. The caption can be edited in the Design view but the summary text must be edited in Code view. Click inside the table, then select the table tag on the tag selector, then switch to Code view and edit the text in the summary attribute.

Basic Data Table with Column Headings

Table caption (name and description of table)
You can describe your table here or in the context of your page. This table is read using the first row as the header for each column. (Replace this caption with your own description of the table)
Description Date Location
Academic Senate Meeting May 25, 2205 Building 99 Room 1
Commencement Meeting December 15, 2205 Building 42 Room 10
Dean's Council February 1, 2206 Building 35 Room 5
Committee on Committees March 3, 2206 Building 1 Room 201
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lacus arcu, porta posuere, varius et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lacus arcu, porta posuere, varius et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lacus arcu, porta posuere, varius et.
Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor

Directory Listing Table - Roll Cursor Over an Item

Directory Listing (Table caption - name and description of table)
Apply the "directory" style to the <table> tag to remove the borders and add roll-over styling to rows. You can describe your table here or in the context of your page.  This table is read using the first row as the header for each column. (Replace this caption with your own description of the table)
Name Telephone Email Office
Dr. Sally 555-1234 12-34
Dr. Steve 555-5678 56-78
Dr. Kathy 555-9012 90-123

Column and Row Headings Example

Table caption (name and description of table)
This table is read using the first row as a column header and then the first item of the first column as a row header. (Replace this caption with your own description of the table)
Instructor Class Location
Dr. Sally Surgery 101 Building 2 Room 3
Dr. Steve Radiology 101 Building 2 Room 5
Dr. Kathy Orthopedics 101 Building 2 Room 20

Table Data Alignment Styles - Left, Middle, Right

Table caption (name and description of table)
This table uses classes center and right to align text or images within a table cell. Default alignment is left. You can describe your table here or in the context of your page. This table is read using the first row as the header for each column. (Replace this caption with your own description of the table)
Aligned Left Aligned Center Aligned Right
Academic Senate Meeting May 25, 2205 Building 99 Room 1
Commencement Meeting December 15, 2205 Building 42 Room 10
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lacus arcu, porta posuere, varius et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lacus arcu, porta posuere, varius et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lacus arcu, porta posuere, varius et.
Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor

Table No Outline - H2

No Style Table Listing (Table caption - name and description of table)
Apply the "table_noStyle" style to the <table> tag to remove the borders . You can describe your table here or in the context of your page.  This table is read using the first row as the header for each column. (Replace this caption with your own description of the table)
Day Time Location
Wednesday 3-6 pm Cal Poly Campus (follow U-Pick Signs)
Thursday 2:30-5pm Morro Bay Farmer's Market
Thursday 6:10-9pm Downtown SLO Farmer's Market
Saturday 8-10:30am Farmer's Market new Embassy Suites
Saturday 11am-2pm Cal Poly Campus (follow U-Pick signs)

Complex Data Table

Table caption (name and description of table)
This is an example of a Complex Data table that associates column headers with row headers that span multiple rows. The underlying HTML code of this table belies the necessary associations that make the table readable using a screen reading technology (Replace this caption with your own description of the table)






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