Gases, Safety Products, Welding Products


Tim Montgomery

How to use Airgas Services

  1. Contact Airgas Representative Tim Montgomery at (805) 207-0807 or tim.montgomery@airgas.comto request service
  2. Stamp invoice with Accounts Payable stamp
  3. Fill in the contract number 2000004180, chartfield, and signature from approving person
  4. Send signed invoice to Accounts Payable for payment


Stan Luis

How to use Praxair Services

  1. Contact Praxair Representative, Mike Lang at (805) 286-2423 or at the Paso Robles store, (805) 239-1160 to request service.
  2. Stamp invoice with the Accounts Payable stamp ( or hand write)
  3. Fill in the contract number 2000004181, chart of accounts, and signature from approving person.
  4. Send signed invoice to Accounts Payable for payment


Doug Winters