Regarding Workers’ Compensation – To ensure safety as well timely processing:
COVID-19 as it relates to WC. If an employee believes they have been exposed to the virus on an industrial basis, and asks about WC, the Work Related Injury Illness (band-aid) should be completed to document the exposure. These are exposure only unless or until there is confirmation of the virus. Each case will be looked at individually for specifics. A DWC-1 SHOULD NOT BE OFFERRED, which is different than regular practice.
All Work Related Injury Illness forms (Band-aid): Should be emailed rather than faxed or hand delivered. An electric signature ability has been added. If you have a relatively up to date form of Adobe Reader simply hit the mail envelope in the upper left corner, put in the email address send Make sure a personal phone number is included to ensure contact.
DWC-1 Claim forms for any other type of injury: When complete are level 1, can be emailed without a SS#. If you have an injury to report, email will ensure your claim will be received, and handled timely and appropriately. Fill it out from the link and email directly with envelope in upper left corner
If there are any problems with emailing, faxing continues to be an option. Please follow up with an email advising if documents have been faxed.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance. I will be working remotely part of the time and my office phone will forward to my cell.
Stay safe and healthy,
Kathryn Villarreal, WC Analyst. . 756-5427