Clery Act

Clery Safety Reports

About the Program

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, commonly referred to as the Clery Act, is a federal mandate requiring all institutions of higher education that participate in federal student financial aid programs to disclose information about certain campus policies, procedures, and crimes reported to have occurred on the campus and certain off campus locations.

The Clery Program is led by the Clery Director in conjunction with the Clery Compliance Team.

Components of the program include but are not limited to:

  • Identifying, notifying and training Campus Security Authorities
  • Assessing crimes that occur within identified Clery geography, and if warranted, publishing timely warnings
  • Disclosing the campus safety and security policies and criminal statistical data
  • Publishing Cal Poly’s Annual Security Report and Campus Safety Plan
Executive Order 1107

Clery Director

Maren Hufton
Location: Building 33, Room 290
Telephone: (805) 756-6770