Summer Storage

Distribution Services offers summer storage for on-campus student residents.

Summer Storage Rates

Summer Storage Rates
Item Price
Summer Storage Signup (required) $250
Packaging Material Start Up Kit Free with Summer Storage signup
Overflow Items $50 per additional item

Summer Storage Rate Descriptions

Summer Storage Signup

This option is required for participation in the summer storage program. Items are stored on a per academic quarter base charge of $250 and includes a maximum of 5 boxes/items. Any items larger than a 20" x 20" x 20" box or bike need to be pre-approved for storage by Distribution Services. Completion of a CPSLO Student Storage Contract, which will be issued to the student resident via Adobe Sign upon completion of payment, is required. Once payment is received and the CPSLO Student Storage Contract is completed, the resident will be emailed to pick up their storage labels. Pre-packed, secured, and labeled items can be dropped off at the student's designated package pickup location during normal business hours. Items will be placed in the owner's on-campus residence, along with any items shipped to campus, prior to fall quarter move-in.

Packaging Material Start Up Kit

The packaging material start up kit is included in the summer storage program fee. You will receive a roll of packing tape and five 20" x 20" x 20" boxes. Oversized items may be stored in lieu of your boxes but need to be pre-approved by Distribution Services prior to storage. Once payment and completion of the CPSLO Student Storage Contract is completed, the student will be emailed to pick up their Packaging Material Start Up Kit.

Overflow Packaging

Select this option if you need to store more than the five items allowed in the Summer Storage Signup. $50 per additional item.

CPSLO Student Storage Contract

Click here to review the terms and conditions of the CPSLO Student Storage Contract.

Summer Storage Timeline

  • Review item descriptions and CPSLO Student Storage Contract prior to paying for services. Email with any questions.
  • Pay for desired storage options, either online or at the Pacheco Post package center customer service window.
  • Complete the CPSLO Student Storage Contract via Adobe Sign
  • Pick up storage labels and storage packaging at your designated package center. Emails will be sent when items are ready for pick up.
  • Drop off secured and labeled items for storage at your designated package center during normal customer service business hours.
  • Items, along with any items shipped to campus five days prior to move in, will be placed in your designated room prior to your arrival for fall quarter.
Purchase Storage
