Building Emergency Response Coordinator Overview

During an emergency or disaster Building Emergency Response Coordinators (BERC) are the front line responders for each building on campus. Each building on campus should have two individuals identified as BERCs, one as the primary and one backup. For larger buildings with multiple floors, large populations, or other complexities, BERCs may identify up to two Deputy BERCs per floor. If the need exists, additional personnel may be identified as Assistant BERCs to provide another layer of support under the Deputy BERC. However, for buildings that have identified all positions listed above, BERCs should be sure not to exceed the recommended span of control of seven subordinates reporting to one supervisor.

During emergencies or disasters that require evacuation of campus facilities, BERCs are responsible for the following:

  1. Facilitating evacuation of all personnel within their building to the nearest evacuation point listed on the campus emergency evacuation point map.
  2. Accounting for building personnel once arriving at their respective evacuation point.
  3. Conducting a visual damage assessment of their respective building using the Cal Poly BERC Damage Assessment form.
  4. Reporting personnel accountability and building damage assessment to the EOC via a teleconference that will be typically be initiated through a Poly Alert that contains call-in details for all BERCs. (If only a single building is impacted information can be communicated to University Police Dispatch at 805-756-2281 and/or
  5. Serve as the liaison between building staff and the EOC or emergency services personnel.
  6. Aid in all other request from the EOC or emergency services personnel.

During steady state times of non-emergency, BERCs are responsible for the following:

  1. Maintain a current roster of all respective building BERCs, Deputy BERCs, & Assistant BERCs and provide current roster to the Cal Poly Department of Emergency Management (DEM).
  2. Develop, train, & exercise building specific emergency plans.
  3. Coordinate training and exercises for respective BERCs, Deputy BERCs, & Assistant BERCs with DEM as necessary.