
The Department of Emergency Management develops plans to help the campus handle emergencies effectively. These plans provide a framework the campus emergency organization and overall response to various emergencies or disasters.

Emergency Operations Plan

The Cal Poly Emergency Operations Plan establishes the emergency roles and responsibilities, of campus entities, while also providing planning information for various potential hazards.

Severe Weather Plan

The Cal Poly Severe Weather Hazard Specific Annex is a subordinate component to the Emergency Operations Plan, specific to severe weather hazards and threats (e.g., storms, heat).

Evacuation Annex Plan

The Cal Poly Evacuation Annex to the Emergency Operations Plan serves as a generalized evacuation plan useful for multiple situations involving whole or partial evacuation of the Cal Poly campus.

Continuity of Operations Plan

The Cal Poly Continuity of Operations Plan establishes the Mission Essential Functions of the University and sets policy for the Cal Poly Business Continuity program.

Emergency Maps

Emergency Maps provide detail on emergency evacuation points, disaster zones and evacuation routes, and locations of Cal Poly's Blue Phone network.