Alternate/Compressed Schedules
How do I notify Payroll Services of my alternate or compressed work schedule?
To notify Payroll Services that you are working an alternate or compressed work schedule please complete the Employee Schedule Change form. Anytime your schedule changes you will need to submit a new form.
Why does Payroll Services track Excess/Deficit balances?
Non-exempt CSU employees paid through the State payroll system on a monthy basis generate the same monthly salary (based upon time base fraction and base salary entered in the employment history database) even if the employee's regular work schedule has more or less hours than the prescribed 21 or 22 workdays (168 or 176 hours, respectively) within a given State pay period.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provides certain recordkeeping requirements for employees subject to FLSA, including prompt payment of wages and payment of an employee's minimum wages for all work actually performed in a given pay period.
Therefore campuses must maintain an accounting of hours worked which includes excess and deficit hours, as appropriate, for non-exempt employees on work schedules that differ from the standard State pay plan.
Excess hours: Non-exempt employees (except SUPA employees) shall be paid for all hours worked within the respective pay period and there shall be no accumulation of excess hours carried forward into subsequent pay periods. If you have excess hours in a pay period, you will receive a separate check around premium pay day the following month.
SUPA contract states that excess hours incurred in a given pay period will be carried forward as a balance to offset deficit hours incurred in a future pay period. There will be no payout of excess hours until the end of the calendar year.
Deficit hours: Non-exempt employees who have deficit hours in a given pay period may carry forward these deficit hours. These deficit hours shall be offset by any excess number of hours (credits) worked in a subsequent pay period, as appropriate. Employees shall not be paid for excess hours worked in a pay period when an equal or greater deficit balance exists. Employees may choose to offset deficit balances by using other available leave credits such as vacation, compensatory time off (CTO), previously accrued "holiday credits," and/or personal holiday.
All campuses must reconcile employees' deficit hours at least once each calendar year in December. When reconciling an employee's deficit hours in December, the affected employee may use leave balances*, be docked, or the campus must establish an accounts receivable, as appropriate, if no leave credits are available to offset the deficit. Payroll Services will contact any employee in January who requires a calendar year-end deficit reconciliation.
*Leave balances may include vacation and compensatory time off (CTO) hours. "Holiday credit" leave balances or ADO may be used. Sick leave hours are not eligible. As a reminder, the minimum increment for Personal Holiday hours is "one unit" which equates to one day of an employee's regular work schedule, therefore you may not use part of a personal holiday to offset a deficit balance.
How will I see what my excess or deficit balance is each month?
These balances have always been viewable on the "Compensatory Time" tab of your "CSU Absence Inquiry" page. To access this page, log into the My Cal Poly Portal and navigate to the "Personal Info" tab. Click "Leave Balance Inquiry" on the "My Employee Info" portlet.
Who is required to report their schedule to Payroll?
At this time, Non-Exempt employees represented by R02, R05, R07, R09 (CSUEU), R04 (APC), R06 (SETC), and R08 (SUPA) in addition to C99 (Confidential) employees.
Can I change my schedule mid-week?
No. Schedule changes must be effective with the beginning of the work week. A work week is defined as Sunday through Saturday. A work week is seven days, unless an employee is working one of the defined 14 day work week schedules specified under their bargaining agreement. CSUEU employees working a 14 day schedule as defined in Article 18.11 are the only exception to the work week definition above
What are the defined compressed or alternate work week schedules?
- For employees in CSUEU: Article 18.11
- For employees in APC: Articles 28.5 and 28.6
- For employees in SETC: Articles 22.3 and 22.5
- For employees in SUPA: Article 13.1
How do I report that I earned an "Alternate Day Off" or "Holiday Credit" because a holiday fell on my non-work day?
ADO or Holiday Credit "earns" are submitted online using Absence Mgmt. Self-Service (AMSS). Please visit the AMSS Information page for complete instructions. If the ADO or Holiday Credit Earn is older than 3 months ago, please submit an AMSS Exception Form. Please call the Payroll Office at 805-756-2605 if you have further questions on how to use this form.
SUPA (R08) - submit Holiday Credit earn
All other BU's - submit ADO earn
How do I earn ADO or Holiday Credit?
ADO "Alternate Day Off" is earned when a non-exempt employee is working an alternate or compressed work schedule and an observed campus holiday falls on a non-workday, pursuant to the respective bargaining agreements and MOU's:
- For CSUEU employees: Article 14.16
- For APC employees: Article 25.4
- For SETC employees: Article 17.13
- For C99 employees: HR2004-37
Holiday Credit is earned when an employee's regularly scheduled day off falls on the day the holiday is observed OR if an employee works on a day a holiday is officially observed they shall receive compensation at the rate of one and one-half times their normal rate of pay in the form of cash or holiday credit pursuant to the bargaining agreement:
- For SUPA employees: Articles 19.4b and 19.8
Who do I contact for further assistance?
For further assistance contact Jennifer Hiatt in the Payroll Office at 805-756-5862.