TERM 202X Important Dates

Fees Viewable - First Years: - 08/25/202X
Fees Viewable - Returning: when enrolled starting 08/28/202X
Students NOT "Deferred by Financial Aid"Past due: 12/07/202X - Class Cancellation: 12/16/202X
Students "Deferred by Financial Aid" — Past due: 1/22/2022 - not subject to class cancellation

Learn more   


This page will help you determine What to Pay, When to Pay and How to Pay balances for Tuition-Registration as well as Housing and Dining. Be sure to check out our Video Guides for more detailed instructions on how to navigate Money Matters in the student's Cal Poly portal, online payment portals and Share My Information reports.

What to Pay

Cal Poly Charges Tuition-Registration one quarter at a time, based on enrollment. On Campus Housing and Dining charges are usually posted for the entire year.

Unpaid Balances and Due Dates are visible to the student through their "Money Matters" tab, to supporters through "Share My Information" reports and through online payment portals available to students (through Money Matters) or their supporters (must be set up by the student).

  • Use this calculator to estimate Fees for the 2025-2026 Academic Year (including University Housing & Dining if living on campus).

    Are you an undergraduate student?

    In which college is your Major Study focus?

    Are you a California Resident?

Housing and Dining balances are posted at the direction of University Housing and Campus Dining and are also viewable in Money Matters of the student's portal, Share My Information reports and both Student and Supporter payment portals. General options, rates and policies are available through the University Housing and Campus Dining websites (links below).

When to Pay

Registration-Tuition Fees are posted on a quarterly basis. The system-wide "Fee Past Due Date" shows for ALL students (regardless of Financial Aid status) in the "Unpaid Charges" sub-tab of Money Matters as well as "Activity Details" in the payment portal or "Charges by Due Date" in Share My Information reports. Use the tables below (click to open) for system-wide due dates for each quarter.

  •  Term-1 2022 Important Dates
    Term 2020
    Fees Viewable

    First Years: FY Dates
    All Others: At time of registration 04/26-06/23/2021

    Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred) 05/24/2021
    Class Cancellation (financial aid deferred accounts exempt) 06/08/2021
    1st Financial Aid Disbursement


    Financial Aid Deferred Fees Past Due


    1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid


    1st Day of Class


    Add/Drop Period Ends


  •  Term-1 2022 Important Dates
    Term 2020
    Fees Viewable

    First Years: FY Dates
    All Others: At time of registration 04/26-06/23/2021

    Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred) 05/24/2021
    Class Cancellation (financial aid deferred accounts exempt) 06/08/2021
    1st Financial Aid Disbursement


    Financial Aid Deferred Fees Past Due


    1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid


    1st Day of Class


    Add/Drop Period Ends


  •  Term-1 2022 Important Dates
    Term 2020
    Fees Viewable

    First Years: FY Dates
    All Others: At time of registration 04/26-06/23/2021

    Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred) 05/24/2021
    Class Cancellation (financial aid deferred accounts exempt) 06/08/2021
    1st Financial Aid Disbursement


    Financial Aid Deferred Fees Past Due


    1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid


    1st Day of Class


    Add/Drop Period Ends


Housing and Dining charges are posted for the academic year and split into monthly due dates and amounts. Charge amounts are posted at the direction of University Housing and Campus Dining. Use links at the bottom of this section to see Housing and Dining options and fees.

 How to Pay

You may pay the university through the following methods:

If you are interested in using a Payment Plan for Registration-Tuition, you will need to enroll in that plan prior to the system wide due date for the quarter. More information on our Term Payment Plan page.

Important Notice Regarding Fee Amounts

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Tuition and fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU reserves the right, even after initial payments are made, to increase or modify any listed tuition or fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide tuition, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular quarter has begun. All CSU-listed tuition and fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the chancellor or the presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide tuition will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 – 66028.6 of the Education Code).

Any estimated costs on this page does not include books, other learning materials, or other costs of attendance not itemized herein. Please visit the Financial Aid Office Cost of Attendance web page for an estimate of additional costs of attendance incurred outside of the student account.