TERM 202X Important Dates

Tuition-Registration Fees - Fall Quarter Posted based on enrollment
Housing/Dining - Annual Charges Viewable 8/16/2024
Students NOT "Deferred by Financial Aid"Past due: 8/29/2024 - Class Cancellation: 9/10/2024
Students "Deferred by Financial Aid" — Past due: 9/18/2024 - not subject to class cancellation

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Exit Interview Requirements For Educational Debt

The following information is provided to assist you with three things:

  • Determining educational debt types (federal/non-federal loans; unpaid Cal Poly student account debt; Grants/Scholarships with service credit requirements)
  • Successfully completing the exit interview requirement for each applicable debt type; and
  • Understanding that some debt types may not have an exit interview requirement, but still have a repayment requirement.

Educational Debt Types

Before you do anything you should summarize your educational debt types. Download the Debt Comparison Chart for a summary of the debt you could have incurred (specific debt types per student can be determined by utilizing the Educational Debt Worksheet (below).

Educational debt types vary (federal/non-federal loans; unpaid Cal Poly student account debt; and Grants/Scholarships with service credit requirements). Each debt type has its own repayment terms and is a separate repayment obligation. Each may be included on your personal credit report.

To determine what you owe, please print out the Educational Debt Worksheet.

Once you have completed the Worksheet, you will know your debt types and exit interview requirements. You may then use the exit links below to complete your exit interview requirements.

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

NOTE: NSLDS will summarize all federal loans and/or grants disbursed to you. Only the federal Teach Grant program has a post-enrollment service requirement. Other grants summarized on NSLDS are for informational purposes only.

Once you know your debt types, you are ready to complete the exit interview process.

Each debt type referenced below is a link to the exit interview instructions you need. If you have questions please contact your Exit Interview Counselor for assistance (include your full name and your Cal Poly EmplID number with all correspondence).

Student Loans, Grants and Scholarships That Have An Exit Interview Requirement