Use this calculator to estimate Fees for the 2025-2026 Academic Year (including University Housing & Dining if living on campus).
Welcome to Student Accounts
Getting Started
Student Accounts is responsible for posting charges and payments for tuition-registration and on-campus housing and dining. We also apply financial aid after it has disbursed and process any refunds of credit balances. Check out our video tutorials to help you understand Charges, Payments, Registration Holds and even how Financial Aid is applied.
What to Pay
Cal Poly Charges Tuition-Registration one quarter at a time, based on enrollment. On Campus Housing and Dining charges are usually posted for the entire year.
Unpaid Balances and Due Dates are visible to the student through their "Money Matters" tab, to supporters through "Share My Information" reports and through online payment portals available to students (through Money Matters) or their supporters (must be set up by the student).
Fee Estimate Calculator
- Financial Aid Deferral Calculator
Fee Breakdown - Tuition and Base Mandatory Fees
Tuition and Base Mandatory Fees are separated into all their separate fee components with the specific charge amounts for each type shown.
See the Fee Breakdown -
Fee Descriptions
""Registration and Other Fees" includes Tuition, Academic Department fees and all other Mandatory Base Fees. For a full list of Mandatory Fee Types and brief descriptions, go to our Fee Descriptions page.
See the Fee Descriptions Page
Housing and Dining balances are posted at the direction of University Housing and Campus Dining and are also viewable in Money Matters of the student's portal, Share My Information reports and both Student and Supporter payment portals. General options, rates and policies are available through the University Housing and Campus Dining websites (links below).
On-Campus Housing Charges
Housing Charges are typically posted for the entire academic year and separated into quarterly amounts. Housing charges based on the number of nights the student is expected to be in their room during the quarter. Fall quarter usually is more expensive than winter quarter which costs more than spring.
Quarterly fee amounts are then broken into equal monthly payment due dates and amounts with payments that are due the first of each month.
- Fall Quarter - Payments are due in September, October and November.
- Winter Quarter - Payments are due in December, January and February.
- Spring Quarter - Payments are due in March, April and May.
- Summer Quarter (when applicable) - Typically posted in early June and due within 7 days of posting.
On-Campus Dining Charges
When Dining Plans are enrolled through the University Housing App (inside the Cal Poly portal), they are posted on the Student for the entire academic year and separated into quarterly amounts. Dining charges are the same for each quarter.
Quarterly fee amounts are then broken into equal monthly payment due dates and amounts with payments that are due the first of each month.
- Fall Quarter - Payments are due in September, October and November.
- Winter Quarter - Payments are due in December, January and February.
- Spring Quarter - Payments are due in March, April and May.
- Summer Quarter (when applicable) - Typically posted in early June and due within 7 days of posting.
When to Pay
Registration-Tuition Fees are posted on a quarterly basis. The system-wide "Fee Past Due Date" shows for ALL students (regardless of Financial Aid status) in the "Unpaid Charges" sub-tab of Money Matters as well as "Activity Details" in the payment portal or "Charges by Due Date" in Share My Information reports. Use the tables below (click to open) for system-wide due dates for each quarter.
Term-1 2022 Important Dates
Term 2020 Fees Viewable First Years: FY Dates
All Others: At time of registration 04/26-06/23/2021Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred) 05/24/2021 Class Cancellation (financial aid deferred accounts exempt) 06/08/2021 1st Financial Aid Disbursement 06/21/2021
Financial Aid Deferred Fees Past Due 06/21/2021
1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid 06/23/2021
1st Day of Class 06/21/2021
Add/Drop Period Ends 06/21/2021
Term-1 2022 Important Dates
Term 2020 Fees Viewable First Years: FY Dates
All Others: At time of registration 04/26-06/23/2021Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred) 05/24/2021 Class Cancellation (financial aid deferred accounts exempt) 06/08/2021 1st Financial Aid Disbursement 06/21/2021
Financial Aid Deferred Fees Past Due 06/21/2021
1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid 06/23/2021
1st Day of Class 06/21/2021
Add/Drop Period Ends 06/21/2021
Term-1 2022 Important Dates
Term 2020 Fees Viewable First Years: FY Dates
All Others: At time of registration 04/26-06/23/2021Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred) 05/24/2021 Class Cancellation (financial aid deferred accounts exempt) 06/08/2021 1st Financial Aid Disbursement 06/21/2021
Financial Aid Deferred Fees Past Due 06/21/2021
1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid 06/23/2021
1st Day of Class 06/21/2021
Add/Drop Period Ends 06/21/2021
Term-1 2022 Important Dates
Term 2020 Fees Viewable First Years: FY Dates
All Others: At time of registration 04/26-06/23/2021Fee Past Due Date (if not financial aid deferred) 05/24/2021 Class Cancellation (financial aid deferred accounts exempt) 06/08/2021 1st Financial Aid Disbursement 06/21/2021
Financial Aid Deferred Fees Past Due 06/21/2021
1st Direct Deposit Refund for Excess Financial Aid 06/23/2021
1st Day of Class 06/21/2021
Add/Drop Period Ends 06/21/2021
Housing and Dining charges are posted for the academic year and split into monthly due dates and amounts. Charge amounts are posted at the direction of University Housing and Campus Dining. Use links at the bottom of this section to see Housing and Dining options and fees.
Housing Important Dates
Housing Charges are typically posted for the entire academic year and separated into quarterly amounts. Housing charges based on the number of nights the student is expected to be in their room during the quarter. Fall quarter usually is more expensive than winter quarter which costs more than spring.
Quarterly fee amounts are then broken into equal monthly payment due dates and amounts with payments that are due the first of each month.
- Fall Quarter Housing - Payments are due in September, October and November.
- Winter Quarter Housing - Payments are due in December, January and February.
- Spring Quarter Housing - Payments are due in March, April and May.
- Summer Quarter Housing (when applicable) - Usually posted and due in full in June.
Dining Important Dates
When Dining Charges are signed up through the University Housing App (inside the Cal Poly portal), they are posted on the Student for the entire academic year and separated into quarterly amounts. Dining charges are the same each quarter.
Quarterly fee amounts are then broken into equal monthly payment due dates and amounts with payments that are due the first of each month.
- Fall Quarter Dining - Payments are due in September, October and November.
- Winter Quarter Dining - Payments are due in December, January and February.
- Spring Quarter Dining - Payments are due in March, April and May.
- Summer Quarter Dining (when applicable) - Usually posted and due in full in June.
How to Pay
You may pay the university through the following methods:
If you are interested in using a Payment Plan for Registration-Tuition, you will need to enroll in that plan prior to the system wide due date for the quarter. More information on our Term Payment Plan page.
SLO Days "Paying for College" Presentation Slide Deck
Each summer, Student Accounts does a SLO Days Orientation program about Money Matters for Mustang Supporters. You can view a video guide version of that presentation - broken down into four distinct sections.
Click here: SLO Days Money Matters Presentation to view that presentation.
1098-T Forms Are Available Online for 2024
1098-T forms for 2024 have been issued for Cal Poly students. The student is able to view/print the form by logging into his/her Poly Portal ( and selecting the Money Matters tab. The “Form 1098-T Tuition Statement” link will be visible in the Self Service section (below the gold "Make a Payment Now" button).
Students have access to their Cal Poly portal (and the 1098-T) for 2 years after leaving the university. You may, however, need a password reset if you graduated or took time off from attending. Contact IT Services at 805-756-7000 during regular business hours for a password reset.
A paper form will only be mailed if consent to view online has not been given by the student.*
If the student did not receive a 1098-T form for 2024 online, one may be produced upon request. This request can be made by calling the Student Accounts office (805-756-1428) during regular business hours - Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, PST. The student will need a social security number or ITIN. A parent making this request must have "Authorize to Release (FERPA)" on file. A Form 1098-T cannot be mailed at this time, so consent to view online must also be given by the student.*
*To consent to view your 1098-T online:
From the Money Matters tab of the student Poly Portal (, scroll down to the "Self Service" section and the "Form 1098-T Tuition Statement" link. In the next window, select the "Grant Consent" button. Read the agreement and then select the "Yes, I have read the agreement" box on the 1098-T Consent Agreement page and click "Submit".
Granting consent to receive your 1098-T via on-line access need only be given once. If you do not see the "Grant Consent" button, consent has already been given.