Alcohol Service Requests

To ensure that events follow the standards and expectations for the use, service, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, Cal Poly requires that anyone hosting an event that is selling, distributing, and/or serving alcohol first complete an Alcohol Service Request Form.

Accessing and Completing the Alcohol Service Request Form

Only ASI staff, Cal Poly Partners staff, and State staff and faculty are able to fill out the form. Others must contact Campus Dining for assistance. The Alcohol Service Request eForm can be accessed via Cal Poly eForms. Clicking on the link will direct you to your Cal Poly Portal to sign in.

The form must be filled out and submitted at least 45 days prior to your event for multiple approvals. For events on campus, you will need to complete a Facilities Event Request Form.

The Alcohol Service Request Submission Guide contains step-by-step information about how to complete each portion of the form.

Any questions, contact SBS - Risk Management via email at or by phone at 805-756-0842.

Serving Alcohol on Campus

There are three options for alcohol service at events on campus.

  • Option 1: Use Campus Dining as their servers are already Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) certified. Cal Poly Partners manages RBS certification for Campus Dining.
  • Option 2: Use an approved campus caterer who is approved for alcohol service. The University Host should request verification from the caterer that the individual servers scheduled to work the event are RBS certified.
  • Option 3: If faculty, staff, or official volunteers will be serving, and those servers are not currently RBS certified, follow the directions below for RBS training and certification process. University Risk Management manages RBS certification for this group. Please see the Approved Server List to identify RBS certified employees and volunteers.

Approved Server List

Approved Server List

Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program

The passage of Assembly Bill 1221 in 2017 created the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program Act.

AB 1221 required the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to create the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program and mandates a new training requirement for on-premises alcohol servers and their managers.

Beginning July 1, 2022, any ABC licensee who has an “ABC On-Premises License” will be required to ensure specific staff (alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers) have received training from an ABC approved RBS training Provider within 60 days of employment. This includes staff employed prior to July 1, 2022.

  • Definitions

    ABC On-Premises License

    ABC license that grants the privilege to serve alcoholic drinks to patrons who then consume them within the licensed premises.

    Alcohol Server

    Anyone who:

    • Checks customer IDs for the purpose of alcoholic beverage service or entry to an ABC on-premises licensed establishment,
    • Takes customer alcoholic beverage orders,
    • Pours alcoholic beverages for customers, or
    • Delivers alcoholic beverages to customers.


    Anyone who directly hires alcohol servers, oversees alcohol servers at an ABC licensed premises, or trains alcohol servers how to perform the service of alcohol for consumption for an ABC on-premises licensee.

4 Step Process to Become RBS Certified with ABC

  • Step 1: Register with ABC as a server on the RBS Portal
    • Create an account on Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) website.
    • Log in to the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) website with the username and password you created.
    • Select the Server role and click Continue to complete the Server application.
    • Pay the $3 non-refundable registration fee and check the ATTESTATION box to confirm that the information is true, correct and complete.
    • Once registration is completed you will be assigned a unique Server ID number. Save this Server ID number.
  • Step 2: Email Risk Management Requesting an RBS Training Access Code
    • Send an email, containing your Server ID from ABC, requesting an RBS training access code.
    • Risk Management will respond with an access code for California Responsible Beverage Service Training through The access codes are valid for one year and act as payment for the training.
  • Step 3: Register for and Complete RBS Training
    • Use the access code on the welcome page, and follow the prompts to register for the California Responsible Beverage Service Training.
    • You are issued a certificate of completion upon completing training and passing the training exam.
    • You will need your Server ID number to provide at the end of the online training, so that the training provider can report your completion to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). Failure to provide an accurate Server ID may result in an additional fee to update your account and resubmit proof of training to the ABC.
    • Upon completion of the RBS training reports completion to ABC within 24 hours using the applicant’s Server ID.
    • The applicant has 30 days to complete the ABC final exam on the RBS Portal site.
  • Step 4: Take ABC exam in RBS portal
    • Applicant must pass with a score of 70% or better.
    • ABC’s RBS Portal does not issue certificates of completion or send a confirming email. The applicant will see a screen that indicates whether they passed or failed and their status will update to “Certified”. Capture a screenshot of the page showing your status as “Certified” and email the screenshot to with your Server ID in the subject line to be added to the Approved Server List.
    • The certification is good for 3 years.

Frequently Asked Questions for Alcohol Service Requests (ASR)

  • Who provides the Insurance and ABC License for my event?
    Sample Event Service Description Who provides Liquor Liability Insurance? Who provides ABC License?
    Cal Poly Partners provides and serves alcohol Cal Poly Partners Cal Poly Partners
    Cal Poly Partners provides the alcohol, third party serves Cal Poly Partners (Host Liquor Liability) and Third Party (Liquor Liability) Third Party
    University provides and serves the alcohol University event host Cal Poly Partners, university reimburses Cal Poly Partners
    University provides the alcohol, third party serves University event host (Host Liquor Liability) and Third Party (Liquor Liability) Third Party
    Third Party provides and serves alcohol Third Party – Must have written agreement in place stating insurance requirements to trigger coverage endorsements such as additional insured status Third Party
  • Who can buy alcohol for University sanctioned events?

    Alcohol for University sanctioned events may only be purchased by Campus Dining or a properly licensed caterer. No University staff or departments may purchase alcohol for events.

  • Can we accept donations of alcohol?

    The University can accept a donation of wine or beer. The proper paperwork must be completed through the University Foundation and the proper acknowledgment and credit given to the benefactor. The University wants alcohol stored on campus in a centralized location and not have stores of beer or wine scattered throughout campus. If you are receiving donated wine or beer contact Campus Dining, who can receive it.

  • Who can serve alcohol at University sanctioned events?

    Only Campus Dining and approved third-party vendor or licensed caterers may serve alcohol at University sanctioned events. University staff, volunteers, or guests are allowed to serve alcohol, after they complete the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program and pass ABC’s exam to become RBS certified.

  • Are students’ events allowed to serve alcohol?

    Per CAP, students' events are not allowed to serve or sell alcohol on campus. Thus, University events, meetings and activities that are student club and/or student managed are not considered University events under this definition, unless they are under the direction and control of a University host and have an approved permit.

  • Why is Campus Dining allowed to serve alcohol?

    Cal Poly Partners employs and trains servers through their catering service under their auxiliary operation and is insured through the Auxiliary Organizations Risk Management Alliance (AORMA) insurance group. This reduces the liability and risk exposure to the University and staff who host events.

  • What funds can be used to pay for concessions service?

    No state funds or student tuition/fees may be used to purchase alcohol. You may use University Foundation or Cal Poly Partners funds to purchase alcohol.

  • Can my caterer serve alcohol?

    Yes, approved caterers who have been approved for alcohol service may serve alcohol at University sanctioned events. Refer to the SBS Approved Caterer’s List for caterers approved to provide this service.

  • Do I need an ABC license for my on-campus event?

    Cal Poly Partners facilitates most ABC applications on behalf of clients. Events that require an ABC license include events where:

    • Alcohol will be sold
    • Alcohol will be available and the event is open to the public
    • There is an admission fee or purchased ticket and alcohol will be available
    • There will be a raffle or silent auction that includes unopened bottles of alcohol
    • Fundraising will take place where alcohol is available

    If you are unsure if you need an ABC license contact Risk Management or Cal Poly Partners.

  • Do I need an ASR for an off campus venue?

    Yes, all events serving alcohol need to complete an ASR. When scheduling an on or off campus event, with alcohol being served, verify the venue has a license to serve alcohol and liquor liability insurance.

  • What is the difference between an open bar, no host bar, and table service?
    • Open Bar: No alcohol sales. Drinks are made available to guests, for free, at a freestanding bar managed by Campus Dining or an approved and licensed caterer. Concessions are paid for by the host.
    • No-Host Bar: Guests pay for their own drinks at a freestanding bar managed by Campus Dining or an approved and licensed caterer. Requires an ABC license.
    • Table Service: No alcohol sales. Drinks are poured for guests, by Campus Dining or an approved and licensed caterer, at their table as part of a meal or similar event. Concessions are paid for by the host.
  • When is Special Event Insurance required for an event with alcohol service?

    If you have questions about filling out the ASR, feel free to call Risk Management. Here are some instances in which Special Event Insurance would be recommended for your event:

    • Event is over 2 hours in length
    • Alcohol being served by University Staff, Faculty or Student
    • Number of event attendees exceeds 100
    • At least 10% of attendees are under 21
    • This event is open to the public
    • The third-party vendor is not approved or properly licensed
  • What is Liquor Liability?

    Liquor liability insurance helps protect businesses that sell, serve or distribute alcohol. This type of business insurance can help cover claims of bodily injury or property damage that an intoxicated customer sustains or causes to others after a company served them alcohol.

  • What is an ABC Permit?

    An alcoholic beverage license issued from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages. A license is not a right, but is a privilege, which can be suspended or revoked by administrative action because of violation or departmental rule.

  • Where does my ASR go after I submit it?

    The ASR process is documented here.

Frequently Asked Questions for Responsible Beverage Service (RBS)