Alcohol Service Requests

To ensure that events follow the standards and expectations for the use, service, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, Cal Poly requires that anyone hosting an event that is selling, distributing, and/or serving alcohol first complete an Alcohol Service Request Form.

Accessing and Completing the Alcohol Service Request Form

Only ASI staff, Cal Poly Partners staff, and State staff and faculty are able to fill out the form. Others must contact Campus Dining for assistance. The Alcohol Service Request eForm can be accessed via Cal Poly eForms. Clicking on the link will direct you to your Cal Poly Portal to sign in.

The form must be filled out and submitted at least 45 days prior to your event for multiple approvals. For events on campus, you will need to complete a Facilities Event Request Form.

The Alcohol Service Request Submission Guide contains step-by-step information about how to complete each portion of the form.

Any questions, contact SBS - Risk Management via email at or by phone at 805-756-0842.

Serving Alcohol on Campus

There are three options for alcohol service at events on campus.

  • Option 1: Use Campus Dining as their servers are already Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) certified. Cal Poly Partners manages RBS certification for Campus Dining.
  • Option 2: Use an approved campus caterer who is approved for alcohol service. The University Host should request verification from the caterer that the individual servers scheduled to work the event are RBS certified.
  • Option 3: If faculty, staff, or official volunteers will be serving, and those servers are not currently RBS certified, follow the directions below for RBS training and certification process. University Risk Management manages RBS certification for this group. Please see the Approved Server List to identify RBS certified employees and volunteers.

Approved Server List

Approved Server List

Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program

The passage of Assembly Bill 1221 in 2017 created the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program Act.

AB 1221 required the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to create the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program and mandates a new training requirement for on-premises alcohol servers and their managers.

Beginning July 1, 2022, any ABC licensee who has an “ABC On-Premises License” will be required to ensure specific staff (alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers) have received training from an ABC approved RBS training Provider within 60 days of employment. This includes staff employed prior to July 1, 2022.

4 Step Process to Become RBS Certified with ABC

Frequently Asked Questions for Alcohol Service Requests (ASR)

Frequently Asked Questions for Responsible Beverage Service (RBS)