Use/Misuse of State (University) Vehicles
University vehicles are offered as a convenience to University employees. The following information contains specifics as to their proper use.
A State vehicle is defined as a vehicle that is self-propelled and is owned, leased, or rented by the University, the state, or any state agency. The campus maintains state vehicles to provide transportation for University employees in the performance of their duties in the most effective, efficient, and safest way possible. The vehicles are to be used when cost savings can be realized. Public transportation is to be used in lieu of state vehicles when savings are thus effected.
Acceptable Use
State vehicles shall be used only in the conduct of University or state business. This means "only when driven in the performance of, or necessary to, or in the course of, the duties of University employment." No University employee shall use, or permit the use of, any state vehicle other than in the conduct of University or state business. Only University employees may drive state vehicles. The campus may not loan or lease a state vehicle to an auxiliary organization (i.e. ASI, Cal Poly Corporation).
All State-owned vehicles are highly visible due to their exempt license plates and identifying decals. As a result, the public files complaints about their perceived misuse. All complaints involving University state vehicles are investigated by the campus Risk Management Office. All accidents involving state vehicles are investigated and adjusted by the Office of Risk and Insurance Management in Sacramento. The State self insures only those drivers who are acting in the course and scope of their employment at the time of an accident. Therefore, employees who use state vehicles for personal business, including commuting to work, should be aware of the following rules:
- State-owned motor vehicles must be used only in the conduct of state business.
- Commuting in state vehicles is allowed only in compliance with specific guidelines, and all associated costs must be reimbursed to the state.
- A "Home Storage Permit" is required if a state-owned vehicle is frequently kept overnight at or in the vicinity of an employee’s home.
- Transporting any persons other than those directly involved in official state business is prohibited unless permission has been obtained in advance for each trip by the employee’s supervisor.