Form Submission Process
Open Alcohol Service Request Form . Sign in to your Cal Poly Portal. After you have logged on, you will be automatically directed to the Alcohol Service Request eForm. Simply follow the steps below to complete the form. Clicking any of the images in the guide below will open up a larger version.
Step One
Fill in the event details. Fill in the time frame in which alcohol will be served.
Step Two

Figure 1
Fill in "Event Title" and "Event Location." Specify the event location. Enter the event reference number (from R25).
NOTE: If your event location changes, email the University Host and copy and ask that the location be changed in the notes for final approval.
Step Three
Select a "University Host" from the drop-down menu. A University Host is defined in CAP 172.2.1 as "the highest-ranking management employee in the division or college that is responsible for the direction and control of an academic program or a University event." The University Host must approve or deny the request within 30 days upon receipt.

Figure 2
Your contact information will fill in automatically from the Cal Poly Directory.
Step Five
Select an "Event Type" from the drop-down menu. If you select "Other", further specify the event type with the additional details.

Figure 3
Input how many people you expect to attend the event, and what approximate percentage (%) of those in attendance will be under the age of 21. Click Yes or No to answer the question "Invited attendees only?" If you choose "No", another question will appear below asking if the public is invited. This question determines if the event is public or private. A public event is defined as one in which the University advertises the event as open to anyone who would like to attend (CAP 172.2.3). A private event is defined as one in which the University sends out invitations to the event and thus the event is closed to the general public (CAP 172.2.4).

Figure 4
Step Six
The next section, Service Information, details what alcohol will be served and how it will be served.

Figure 5
Check boxes if you plan on serving beer and wine, or both. A raffle is considered a sale of alcohol; thus an ABC alcohol sales license is required for the day(s) of the actual raffle. See (CAP
Next, select whether admission is charged. If yes, alcohol is considered sold. If value is exchanged for alcohol, or if the event is open to the public and is free, a state Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) sales license will be required. University Catering will procure ABC license for the University Host as part of the service fee.
Step Seven
The last four questions in this section specify who the alcohol, non-alcoholic beverages, and food will be provided and served by. Events are required to serve non-alcoholic beverages and provide substantive appetizers or a meal as part of the event (CAP 172.5.3).

Figure 6
Use the drop-down menus illustrated in Figures 6 and 7 to make your selection and if "Other" is chosen, you will need to provide the name of the provider and server of alcohol and/or food. Be aware that if you do not choose University Catering, there will be additional review and requirements.

Figure 7
Step Eight
The Security Information section ensures that only those over the age of 21 will be served alcohol. Select the method used to identify those under 21 from the drop-down menu. If another method besides wristbands or hand stamps will be used, please select "Other" and specify that method in the text box that will appear to the right of the question. Next, type in who will be verifying IDs. Then, choose "Yes" or "No" to answer whether there will be security/event staff at the event. You may be required to provide security/event staff for some events based on the decision from University Police/Risk Management.

Figure 8
Note: You may be required to provide security/event staff for some events based on the decision from University Police/Risk Management.
Step Nine
Read the agreement carefully and check the box next to "I agree to the above." Click the "Send" button. Write down or screen print the confirmation number.

Figure 9
An automatically generated email will be sent to you that summarizes the details of your event. If the University Host denies your event, you will receive an email telling you that your request has been denied along with comments detailing why the University Host has denied your request. If the University Host approves your event, you will receive an email informing you of the Host's approval and that other approving departments will be reviewing your event. A final email will inform you whether the event was approved or denied when all of the other approving departments have reviewed the event.