Youth Protection Program
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo is committed to ensuring the safety of youth on our campus, in Cal Poly programs, and within our community. Cal Poly’s Youth Protection Program safeguards youth by defining the bandwidth of acceptable behavior when interacting with minors and establishing minimum requirements for youth programs operated by or at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo.
Program Directors & Coordinators

Programs with minor participants are required to meet various standards designed to help minimize the risk of child abuse in our programs. These standards include requirements for program registration, screening, background checks, training, reporting, responding to incidents, and more.
View ContentStaff & Volunteers

Staff and volunteers who work with Youth in University run or affiliated programs are required to meet certain training and reporting requirements.
View ContentExternal Organizations

Third Parties wishing to use University property, facilities or services to conduct Youth Programs on campus, consistent with Cal Poly’s Youth Protection Policy 361.11, are required to contact Conference and Event Planning for coordination and approval of their event/activity prior to engaging in any activity involving Youth.
View ContentYouth Protection Policy
Cal Poly’s Youth Protection Policy provides the standards and expectations of authorized adults when interacting with Youth through University sponsored or affiliated programs.
View PolicyInteracting with Youth in Virtual Settings

Protecting Youth in virtual settings is just as important as in-person events. Visit this page to learn about policies, procedures, and best practices for interacting with Youth through virtual mediums.
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