Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at Cal Poly and we are all involved in creating an inclusive campus environment where our students and employees belong, no matter their identity. The following resources are just a few to help you understand the value of diversity, the purpose of equity, and strategies for being inclusive. It starts with learning, and then continues in you. Learn more, get involved, take action.
OUDI Educational Resources
View the recommended resources for learning and action from Cal Poly’s Office of University Diversity & Inclusion.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Bundle
A curated collection of on-demand learning activities to empower employees to recognize, appreciate and enable diversity, equity and inclusion.
Inclusive Excellence: Resources for Learning About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This guide is designed for all Cal Poly students, staff, and faculty to become familiar with important issues regarding inclusive excellence.
Inclusion begins with you
At EY, they believe only the highest performing teams - teams who maximise the power of different opinions, perspectives and cultural references - will succeed in the global marketplace. Learn more about their Diversity and Inclusiveness strategies today.
Diversity and Inclusion: A step-by-Step Guide for Managers
This hands-on guide shows you specific steps you can take as a manager or supervisor to improve communication, minimize friction, and reduce unconscious biases that could lead to unfairness and resistance.
What role does good leadership play in inclusive talent management?
Stephen Frost, the co-author of Inclusive Talent Management, looks at how reconciling self and collective interest can benefit society and our own careers. Stephen Frost works with clients worldwide to embed inclusion into their decision making. He teaches at various business schools and was formerly Head of Diversity and Inclusion for the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
Don't Call People Out - Call Them In
We live in a call-out culture, says activist and scholar Loretta J. Ross. You're probably familiar with it: the public shaming and blaming, on social media and in real life, of people who may have done wrong and are being held accountable. In this bold, actionable talk, Ross gives us a toolkit for starting productive conversations instead of fights -- what she calls a "call-in culture" -- and shares strategies that help challenge wrongdoing while still creating space for growth, forgiveness and maybe even an unexpected friend. "Fighting hate should be fun," Ross says. "It's being a hater that sucks."
Online Courses
Inclusive Leadership
Join global workforce management expert Dr. Shirley Davis as she shares how to create and lead an organization that leverages the diverse talents of all contributors. Dr. Davis reveals the benefits of inclusive leadership, including the positive impacts it can have on employee engagement, innovation, and creativity.
New Manager Foundations
Join management and leadership expert Todd Dewett as he provides practical advice to help you establish your identity as a leader, connect with your team, and become a successful first-time manager.
Diversity and Inclusion in a Global Enterprise
Finding ways to effectively lead diversity efforts is often seen as the grand challenge for today's leaders, particularly when you consider the complexity of a global workforce. In this course, join Stefanie Johnson as she discusses the benefits of diversity in general, and shares ways that organizations can enhance diversity and inclusion in different cultural contexts.
The links below will take you to the Cal Poly Learning Hub/the Robert E. Kennedy Library Online Database, please log in and you will be redirected to the book. Click "Start" to begin reading.

Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion
Outlining the key issues involved in framing, designing, and implementing inclusion initiatives for organizations and groups, this book shows how to apply the practices of inclusion and provides a unified model by employing diverse voices to address a range of related topics in multiple contexts.

Inclusive Talent Management: How Business Can Thrive In an Age of Diversity
Inclusive Talent Management aligns talent management and diversity and inclusion, offering a fresh perspective on why the current distinction between them needs to disappear.

The Inclusion Imperative: How Real Inclusion Creates Better Business and Builds Better Societies
Demonstrating how inclusion is not just a moral imperative but one that brings economic and other intangible benefits to organizations, this book will help organizations deliver improved employee recruitment and retention, enhanced productivity and better decision-making.

Inclusion and behavior management in schools: Issues and Challenges
Providing an overview of the issues crucial to understanding inclusion and behavior management in schools, this book discusses:Policy at national, local authority and school level. Inclusive practices in mainstream settings and issues such as race, ethnicity school disciplines and exclusion
Management through inclusion
At an organization with nearly 11,000 employees, it would be easy to imagine getting lost in the shuffle within South Florida-based Memorial Healthcare System. Through the health system's mentorship program, employees can shadow executives with the idea that the experience can allow participants to see how the system's long-term strategy is formed. In day-to-day operations, Broksch says department heads are allowed to manage without much intrusion from higher up the corporate chain, a style she believes has given leaders a sense of ownership and responsibility for how the company performs as a whole.
Culture matters: The Influence of National Culture on Inclusion Climate
The diversity literature has recently emphasized a shift from diversity management toward diversity and inclusion management. Diversity and inclusion management aims at creating an inclusion climate within the workplace. Its scope goes beyond ensuring minority rights by encouraging the involvement of employees in decision making and most importantly the interpersonal integration of workers from minority and majority groups.
What Should Inclusion Really Look Like In The Workplace? TM
Inclusion, defined by Merriam-Webster as “the act of including; the state of being included.” A very simple definition that becomes more complicated upon implementation within organizations because of the different affinity groups that can exist and how to discover, fulfill, and include each affinity groups’ unique needs. It’s important to recognize that an affinity group may constitute merely one individual or multiple individuals. Regardless of size, all groups merit the active efforts of inclusion.
Workplace Resources for Autism Spectrum Disorder
It is estimated that more than 3.5 million Americans live with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Within the range of ASD, one person may have a high level of intelligence but not have the basic social skills required to navigate everyday life. In contrast, another person may have delayed learning of language skills. Overall, ASD affects each individual differently with a range of symptoms occurring at varying intensities from mild to severe in relation to social and communication skills.