Eco Reps x Sustainability Roundtables
Get Involved!

Eco Reps x Sustainability Roundtables is a group of students committed to creating a culture of environmental stewardship on campus at Cal Poly. Managed by the Green Campus Team within Facilities, Eco-Reps exemplify the "learn by doing" motto and play a direct role in Cal Poly's advancement to a fully sustainable future. Becoming an Eco-Rep will equip you with knowledge and skills to tackle environmental issues through tangible action and outreach.
Our club meetings are a great space to meet other green-minded people while furthering your foundational knowledge of sustainability! We often hear from guest speakers, prepare for upcoming events we are collaborating on, and learn from each other through group discussions! The meeting time changes every quarter, so follow us on Instagram @calpolyecoreps to stay up to date. Or, join our Slack to be informed about events that we are participating in outside of our general meetings!
Green Living Guide
Are you interested in living a more sustainable life but aren't quite sure steps you can take? Make sure to check out the Green Living Guide, it is geared towards students living on and off campus and provides straight forward tips for living a little lighter on the planet.