Burnout Recovery: 15 techniques to overcome chronic stress regain control, restore your energy and your focus [Book Circle]

Burnout Recovery: 15 techniques to overcome chronic stress regain control, restore your energy and your focus [Book Circle]

Author Amber Pierce details burnout and the warning signs, cultivates an understanding of what burnout looks like and how our individual differences impact our burnout experiences. Join us to understand the five stages of burnout, what makes each of us susceptible to burnout, how to assess your individual situation, and practical strategies to facilitate burnout recovery. In this book circle, we will peel away the layers to understand burnout more clearly and know how to restore more balance in our lives.

  • Contact: Lisa Gray, 805 756 5018, lcgray@calpoly.edu
  • Date and Time: October 05 - October 19 | 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
  • Location: Zoom
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