How Great Leaders Inspire Action [Learning Circle]

By Simon Sinek
Sinek argues that truly inspiring leaders and organizations start with the question "Why?" before addressing "How?" and "What?" He introduces the concept of the Golden Circle, which consists of three layers: Why (core belief), How (values and principles), and What (products or services). Sinek uses examples from successful companies like Apple to illustrate how starting with "Why" creates a sense of purpose. He references inspiring leaders such as Martin Luther King to emphasize the importance of rousing action by connecting with people emotionally and appealing to their beliefs and values. Sinek encourages leaders to articulate their purpose and beliefs first. Start with "Why?" to be inspired and to inspire those around you!

  • Contact: Dani Gaeta, 805-756-7478,
  • Date and Time: July 18 | 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
  • Location: Zoom
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