The Art of Frugal Hedonism: A Guide to Spending Less While Enjoying Everything More [Book Circle]

By Annie Raser-Rowland and Adam Grubb
Raser-Rowland and Grubb offer a refreshing and unconventional approach to living a more enjoyable and fulfilling life by combining frugality and hedonism. The authors argue that modern society's consumerism has contributed to people working longer hours, accumulating more possessions, and ultimately sacrificing their happiness and wellbeing in the process. They offer a compelling case for a more fulfilling and sustainable way of life that can be achieved by embracing frugality and simplicity while still enjoying the pleasures and joys of life. The book offers practical tips, including strategies for reducing expenses, simplifying daily routines, and prioritizing experiences over possessions. The authors also explore the psychology behind consumerism and provide insights into how our mindset and values shape our spending habits. Readers are encouraged to rethink their relationship with money and consumption. What better time than now, with inflation on the rise, to learn how to not only manage your spending but invest in your wellbeing.

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  • Contact: Dani Gaeta, 805-756-7478,
  • Date and Time: June 25 - July 09 | 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
  • Location: Zoom
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