Exposing Hidden Bias

Join us for an important discussion that brings attention to the unconscious biases we all possess and provides some strategies for overcoming its impact in our work and relationships. Come learn about diversity & inclusion, how to recognize areas where unconscious bias may surface, identify strategies for avoiding bias, and learn of resources available for additional learning and involvement.This workshop is for those interested in building awareness of unconscious bias, or looking for a refresher. During the workshop, we will engage with each other in sharing thoughts, perspectives, and ideas utilizing a variety of zoom tools such as unmute, hand raising, chat field, and breakout rooms. As such, if able, you are encouraged to turn on your video to connect.

Optional Prework - In order to prepare for some rich conversation, we invite you to participate in the following:

For information about your workshop facilitator, Lanaya Gaberel, please visit the LinkedIn page at https://www.linkedin.com/in/lanaya-gaberel-001/

  • Contact: Lanaya Gaberel, lgaberel@calpoly.edu, learnandgrow@calpoly.edu
  • Date and Time: April 08 | 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Location: Zoom
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