Citation Fines Uses

In accordance with California Education Code Section 89701.5 monies received as parking fines and forfeitures shall be used exclusively for the development, enhancement, and operation of alternative methods of transportation programs for students and employees, for the mitigation of the impact of off‐campus student and employee parking in university communities, and for the administration of the parking fines and forfeitures programs.

Citations fine use 2023/24 Amount Percentage
Legal Fees $303,875 31%
SLO Transit Subsidy $300,000 30%
Mustang Express $143,046 14%
Staffing Full/Part-time $129,165 13%
Operating Expenses $49,451 5%
RTA Pass Subsidy $35,320 4%
Vanpool $21,805 2%
Bike Infrastructure $6,500 1%
State Prorata $2,800 0%
Total $991,972 100%