Commuter Permit

Commuter Permits - Spring 2025

Spring Quarter Commuter permit waitlists will open Monday, March 3, 2025 at 10:00AM through Monday, March 10, 2025 at 9:00AM.

For Spring 2025, there are 2 permit types available - Commuter R3 and Commuter R4 located in PCV Structure 271 (R3) and PCV Structure 371 (R4) respectively.

Please note that while these permits are for Resident parking lots, these are Commuter permits and vehicles should not be in the structures overnight. Additionally, these Commuter R3 and Commuter R4 permits are valid in ANY commuter or staff space after 5 p.m. Before 5 p.m., vehicles must be located in their respective structures.

Permit awards will be randomized and awarded through a lottery system beginning Monday, March 10, at 10 a.m. Subsequent awards will occur three (3) business days after the initial award date pending availability.

Once awarded, students will have three (3) business days to complete the purchase online. The third business day will end at 8:59:59PM. No exceptions to this three-day timeframe will be granted. Waitlists may reopen for subsequent lottery awards if permits remain available.

The following permits are available in Spring 2025:

  • Commuter R3 - Spring Quarter - (Valid 3/31/2025 - 6/13/2025)
  • Commuter R4 - Spring Quarter - (Valid 3/31/2025 - 6/13/2025)

  • Permit Type Valid Parking Locations Annual Rate Quarterly Rate
    Commuter R3 PCV Structure 271 NA $165
    Commuter R4 PCV Structure 371 NA $165

    Motorcycle Annual and Motorcycle Fall Quarter permits will be available for sale on Monday, March 31 with no waitlist.

    If you were unable to join a waitlist or otherwise have questions, please contact

    The following types of permits are available for sale to commuter students.

      • Short Term Commuter & Visitor Parking Lots

        For short term commuter students:

        Daily and weekly parking permits are available for students who commute to campus infrequently. Short term permits are only valid in the following lots:

        For Visitors:

        Hourly parking permits or paid ParkMobile sessions are only valid in the following lots:

      • Long Term Commuter Parking Lots

        Long Term Commuter parking permits are valid in designated parking areas based on the permit type. This allows students to choose a parking lot that best fits their needs. There are three permit types, each of which allow the student to park in a dedicated lot between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. All commuter permits are valid in staff parking areas after 5 p.m. Long Term Commuter parking permits do not allow for overnight parking. Please review the campus parking rules and regulations prior to parking or purchasing a permit.

        Commuter Permits are only valid in the following lots:

        Grand Permits are valid in the following lots:

      • Purchase a permit


        Visitors can purchase short term parking permits at the pay station in the K1 and H1 parking lots. Visitors may also use the many campus parking meters or pay contactless using the ParkMobile app. The zone number for ParkMobile will be posted in each parking area that it is available.

        • Waitlist Instructions

          Parking Waitlist

          Commuter Students can purchase a Long-Term Commuter parking permit through the waitlist. Permit awards will be randomized and awarded through a lottery system. When a lottery number is selected, the student will automatically be awarded a permit, notified via a Cal Poly email and will have three (3) business days* to complete the purchase online. No exceptions to this three-day timeframe will be granted. Students are limited to joining one waitlist using their parking account. Waitlists may reopen for subsequent lottery awards if permits remain available.

          *Definition of three (3) business days: Business Days are Monday-Friday; Day 1-day of award, Day 2, Day 3-award is valid until 8:59:59 PM PST.

          Day 1 Day 2 Day 3:

          Award Time* – 11:59:59 PM

          *Permits can be purchased anytime after awards go out.

          12:00:00 AM – 11:59:59 AM

          12:00:00 AM – 8:59:59 PM**

          **Permits can only be purchased until 8:59:59 PM on the final (3rd) business day.

          • 2024/2025 Parking Rates

            Short Term and Time Limited Parking

            Permit Type Rate
            1 Hour $4.00
            2 Hours $8.00
            Daily $8.00
            Weekly $40.00

            Long Term

            Permit Type Commuter
            Grand Structure Motorcycle Evening
            (Valid after 5 p.m.)
            Quarter Rate $165.00 $242.00 $55.00 $55.00
            Annual Rate $495.00 $693.00 $165.00 $165.00
            Student Carpool $495.00 $693.00 N/A N/A
          • 2023/2024 Parking Rates

            Short Term and Time Limited Parking

            Permit Type Rate
            1 Hour $3.00
            2 Hours $6.00
            Daily $8.00
            Weekly $40.00

            Long Term

            Permit Type Commuter
            Commuter K1
            (K1 Lot Only)
            Grand Structure Motorcycle Evening
            (Valid after 5 p.m.)
            Quarter Rate $162.00 $162.00 $226.00 $54.00 $54.00
            Annual Rate $485.00 $485.00 $678.00 $162.00 $162.00
            Student Carpool $485.00 $485.00 $678.00 N/A N/A
        • 2022/2023 Parking Rates

          Short Term and Time Limited Parking as of 9/1/2022

          Permit Type Rate
          1 Hour $2.50
          2 Hours $5.00
          Daily $7.00
          Weekly $35.00

          Long Term

          Permit Type Commuter
          Commuter K1
          (K1 Lot Only)
          Grand Structure Motorcycle Evening
          (Valid after 5 p.m.)
          Student Carpool & Quarter Rate $158.00 $158.00 $221.00 $52.67 $52.67
          Annual Rate $474.00 $474.00 $663.00 $158.00 $158.00