Business Permits

Vendor Permits

Parking for Construction Projects

Construction Permits

Construction Use Fee Schedule

Vendor permits

Vendor parking is available to businesses that have contracts or agreements with the university to provide services or goods for a specific time period. This includes deliveries, services, consultants and auditors. Vendors have two options for purchasing parking permits.

Option 1: Purchase short term parking for daily or limited time parking

Daily and limited time parking can be purchased at the pay stations or by ParkMobile app.

Option 2: Purchase a long term parking permit

Vendor parking is available in quarterly and annual permit durations. Please contact to make a request.

Deliveries: If the company is making deliveries and has a commercial license plate, the delivery driver may park in loading and unloading zones for up to 20 minutes, or as marked.

Hosting Vendors

Departments can host parking for their guests. Please use the link below to complete a request.


Parking Protocols for Construction Projects

Parking on Cal Poly property in any location on campus, requires a valid permit or authorization. All contractor, vendor or personal vehicles that are parked on campus are required to obtain appropriate authorization and when required shall display a valid parking permit. Personnel working on construction projects and contractors may be authorized to utilize ADA accessible, state vehicle, metered and reserved spaces if identified within the scope of work and approved by TAPS.

Any vehicle that does not have appropriate authorization or a valid displayed parking permit may be subject to citation at the vehicle owner’s expense. Citations received for improper parking on campus are the responsibility of the individual the vehicle is registered to as per California Vehicle Code (CVC) 40200. Instructions on how to appeal a citation are included with the citation, upon issuance. Cal Poly follows the procedures for contesting parking violations as stated in the CVC, Section 40215. Repeated parking policy violations can also lead to the suspension, withdrawal or withholding of parking permits and privileges at TAPS sole discretion.

Human habitation on any Cal Poly property or worksite is strictly prohibited. In the event that security personnel are deemed necessary for the safety of the worksite, project, equipment or supplies, the Project Manager or Contractor is required to make appropriate arrangements with a licensed and bonded security firm and notify Cal Poly Police and TAPS.

Parking for Contractors and Workforce

Construction vehicles within a fenced project will require a construction permit to easily identify approved vehicles on the job site. These construction permits will be issued by TAPS at no charge. Facilities Planning and Capital Projects (FPCP) will work with TAPS to facilitate the appropriate number of permits for the site and will assist TAPS by enforcing permit requirements inside fenced construction staging areas.

Construction contractors and work force can request and receive two types of parking permits for personal or contractor vehicles in designated parking areas outside a fenced project area:

  1. Construction parking permits authorize vehicles to park only in specified locations as identified by TAPS at $20/month per permit. Permits are authorized by Cal Poly FPCP Project Manager and distributed by TAPS.
  2. Vendor parking permits allow personal or contractor vehicle parking in any commuter and staff parking spaces. Permits are sold by TAPS and are payable in advance of permit issuance.

Any construction or vendor permit or authorization granted to a personal or contractor vehicle is only valid for business related purposes. Permits are not valid for personal use or for special event parking. Permits are not valid in ADA accessible, state vehicle, metered and reserved spaces without appropriate authorization.

Overnight parking of personal or contractor vehicles on university property is prohibited, unless approved in advance by TAPS. Storage of any equipment or personal vehicles is discouraged to reduce possible theft.

Permitting Process

All parking permit types are obtained at the TAPS office located on campus at Public Safety, Building 36. The TAPS office is open on all campus business days, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. TAPS can be reached by telephone at (805) 756-6654 and by email at

A FPCP representative must request permits using the appropriate documentation. Permits can then be purchased in person at the TAPS office in Public Safety, Building 36.

In order to obtain a parking permit, TAPS requires a valid driver’s license and vehicle license plate number. Parking permits are issued for a fixed term and associated fees must be paid at the time of issuance. Parking permits will not be issued for a period of time greater than twelve months or past the close of the current fiscal year. An expiration date for all parking permits is established at the time of issuance. Permit holders are responsible for obtaining new parking permits prior to expiration when an extension of their privileges is needed.

It is the General Contractor’s (GC) responsibility to inform the work force of all parking restrictions, regulations and arrangements for parking on Cal Poly’s property. Information can be obtained on the TAPS website at

Site-Specific Parking Procedures

Parking of Vehicles inside the Perimeter of a Worksite

FPCP will assist TAPS by enforcing permit requirements inside fenced construction staging areas. Any vehicles parked inside the fenced work area must have a current construction parking permit.

The university understands that a certain number of vehicles are required on worksites in order to conduct operations. However, the university does not support and will actively work to prevent oversizing the perimeter of a worksite in order to accommodate daily work force parking inside the perimeter. This is particularly true when a project’s site logistic plans specify the use or loss of university parking capacity.

Construction equipment parked on the worksite does not require a parking permit. Construction equipment is expected to remain on the designated worksite within the perimeter fence.

Contractor vehicles making occasional or periodic material deliveries or being used in conjunction with specific work on the worksite do not require a parking permit when they are actively delivering materials within the worksite. Parking permits must be displayed in delivery vehicles used to transport materials to a worksite if they require parking outside the perimeter of the worksite after unloading. Delivery vehicles idle outside the construction perimeter fence should be considerate to regular campus traffic flow by not obstructing roadways, driveways and parking lot drive aisles. Vehicles waiting for delivery or work to be performed should not allow engine to idle.

All deliveries must not be scheduled from the top of the hour until ten minutes past the hour Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Parking of Vehicles at Construction Field Offices

The general contractor may request authorization to access multiple worksites. For large projects, the general contractor may need additional parking permits for contractor vehicles associated with the administration of a project. These additional contractor vehicles are intended to be situated adjacent to a project field office. Requests for additional permits will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Project Manager in conjunction with TAPS.

Worksite Logistics Considerations

When reviewing the site logistics for a project and determining the extent of a worksite, parking capacity should be sized appropriately based on need of the project. The use of parking capacity for the long-term storage of material is not allowed unless approved by TAPS. If any existing parking areas are to be utilized during construction, the contractor shall restore the areas to “like new” condition, including the parking surfaces, curbs, sidewalks, lawn, soil de-compaction, plantings and any other surrounding area or items that are damaged during use.

As a limited resource, the loss of parking can be disruptive to the university’s operations and must be planned and mitigated. TAPS and FPCP approval is required before the site logistics plan is finalized whenever parking access or capacity will be affected by a project.

Temporary Use of Parking Space

Staging areas, which restrict or use parking lots or parking lot access, must be coordinated and approved by TAPS. It is recommended that staging areas are approved one month prior to the start of the project to ensure timely information is given to the campus. TAPS will work with the appropriate FPCP Project Manager to identify alternatives. Parking lot use should only be considered as a last resort for construction staging when all feasible areas have proved insufficient. Staging areas, which can be located off-site or at campus perimeters, shall be considered first.

The Project Manager will identify and coordinate all staging area needs that utilize TAPS operated parking spaces. Parking lots used for staging are considered temporarily removed from regular campus parking use and will be charged seven days-per-week for the duration of the project. Metered spaces may be available for purchase at the premium daily meter rate. Metered parking that is temporarily affected by construction will be charged the daily meter rate seven days-per-week for the duration of the project. Temporarily lost parking spaces are charged in accordance with existing TAPS fee schedule. (Attachment A). The Project Manager shall coordinate payment with TAPS.

Parking lots used for staging or any other construction use must to be returned to their original condition. Parking lots should not be used for the storage of any grading material such as dirt or gravel, without an agreement to sealcoat pavement, using approved material, and restripe all affected markings following the work. Damage to parking lots, signage, equipment or areas will be the responsibility of the general contractor and ultimately the associated project. The Project Manager is required to coordinate all damage repairs with TAPS.

Permanent Loss of Parking Space

Construction that removes any parking space from a campus lot must take steps to replace the lost parking either by identifying an equal number of replacement spaces in a new location or by paying a replacement fee in accordance with existing TAPS fee schedule. (Attachment A). A vehicle parking space measures a minimum 8 feet by 18 feet. ADA access aisles count as a vehicle space. A motorcycle space shall be considered 33% the size of one parking space and costs will be prorated appropriately. The Project Manager shall coordinate replacement parking spaces or payment with TAPS. All motorcycle spaces will be replaced on concrete.

Limits of Liability

Contractors and contractor’s work force with parking permits should recognize that the lighting in parking lots varies greatly between locations, and that the permit holder accepts the conditions of the parking lots in “as is” condition. The university makes no representations regarding the security of parking lot premises. All contractors and contractor’s work force park and use the parking lots at their own risk and the university is not responsible for any damages or theft that occur to vehicles or persons while utilizing the parking permits or lots. Additionally, the university is not responsible for theft or damage to any articles left in vehicles. The university is not liable for any damages arising from the use of any parking facility. The contractor shall be responsible for any damage or harm it causes to others or to the property of others and for any damage it causes to university property (excepting normal wear and tear) from use of the parking lots.

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All property owned, leased, and/or controlled by Cal Poly.

Personal Vehicle
A vehicle that is owned by an individual and primarily used to transport an individual or a group of individuals to and from a worksite.

Contractor Vehicle
A vehicle owned by a business and is primarily used for business purposes. Examples of contractor vehicles include but are not limited to pick-up trucks, work vans or company cars upon which the business identification is permanently displayed.

The primary point of contact for the general contractor on a project.

Construction Equipment
A vehicle that is owned, leased or rented by a university-contracted business primarily for use on a construction site to perform specific construction work or specific construction activity. Examples of construction equipment include but are not limited to cranes, mobile cranes, drill rigs, backhoes, loaders, and rollers.

Construction Delivery Vehicles
A vehicle primarily used to transport materials or personnel to or from a worksite. Examples of delivery vehicles include but are not limited to dump trucks, tractor trailers, flatbed trailers and shuttles.

Construction Permit
A physical parking permit or virtual parking authorization for vehicles that are authorized to park within the construction worksite fencing or other authorized location.

User Fees
Fees charged by the parking program for use of campus parking facilities.

Vendor Permit
A physical parking permit or virtual parking authorization that allows parking in Commuter, Staff, and Staff Loading Zones (for the posted time limit) only. Vendor permits are not valid in meters, Sponsored Guest, State Vehicle, resident, visitor, or undesignated spaces (unless prior authorization is received from TAPS) or ADA accessible spaces (unless displaying DMV disabled placard or license plates).

Traffic Regulations

California Vehicle Code (CVC)
All state laws, including the CVC provisions, are enforced on Cal Poly’s campus twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, including academic breaks and holidays.

Except in situations where Cal Poly Police Department and/or TAPS representatives are controlling traffic flow or direction, pedestrians have the right-of-way but must use crosswalks and may not cross in unmarked areas.

Traffic Control Devices
Barriers, barricades, fences or posts may be placed at any point and at any time to restrict traffic as may be deemed necessary for safety and convenience. The removal or moving of such barriers, barricades, fences or posts, except for emergency purposes, is forbidden without the express permission of TAPS (C.V.C. 21461(a)).

Circulation of Traffic
All motor vehicles must circulate within the main campus on paved motor vehicle roadways only. Motor vehicles are prohibited at all times on Via Carta Road between North and South Poly View Drive. Exceptions include: Emergency Response Vehicles and Facilities Services Vehicles.

Speed Limit on Campus
Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit is 25 miles per hour on all campus roadways.

Special Road Regulations
Motor vehicle traffic is not permitted on Poly View Drive from 10 minutes before the hour until 10 minutes after the hour (Passing Time, high pedestrian traffic) Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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Construction Use Fee Schedule

Permit Type Rate
Construction Parking Permit (valid within project fencing) no charge
Construction Parking Permit (valid for projects not within fenced areas) $20/mo
Vendor Parking Permit (valid in commuter & staff spaces) at current commuter rate
Temporary use of “Time Limited” (metered) parking space Rate
Academic Year (September 1 through Spring Commencement) $16 /space /day
Summer (mid-June immediately following Spring Commencement to August 31) $8 /space /day
Temporary use of parking space $6 /space /day
Permanent Loss of parking space if no replacement space can be identified Rate
Standard parking space $40,000 /space
Garage parking space $40,000 /space
Motorcycle space $10,000 /space
Permanent Loss of parking space with replacement space identified Rate
Standard parking space $10,000 /space
Garage parking space $40,000 /space
Motorcycle space 33% of standard or garage space
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