Vanpool Program
A vanpool is like carpool except it holds more people, typically a group of 5 to 15 people who commute together in a van or SUV. There are three vendors that provide services in San Luis Obispo County.
We recommend comparing your vanpool options to ensure the best fit for your commute.
As of 1/1/2024 there is a new provider for vanpools in SLO County.
How to start a vanpool
- Gather a group of colleagues who live in a similar region
- Contact a vendor to start the vanpool
- Contact Rideshare via email to sign up for subsidies and incentives
- Start vanpooling and have your vanpool captain log trip in Rideshare to collect on subsidies and incentives
Benefits of Vanpools
- Save money by sharing the cost your vehicle
- Save fuel and maintenance of your personal vehicle
- Secure a parking space on campus
- TAPS allows vanpools free parking
- TAPS pays 100% of fuel costs
- TAPS offers riders 2 daily parking permits per month
- SLOCOG incentives for new drivers and carpool captains
Find new riders or vans in your area using Cal Poly Rideshare Networks to find others near your home with similar commutes to Cal Poly.
Let us help you discover the options that work best for you. Commuter Services (805) 756-6680 or email