Residential Permits
Fall 2025 Residential Permits
Academic Year 2025-26 Resident Permit waitlists will open Monday, August 18, 2025 through Monday, August 25, 2025 at 9:00AM.
Resident permit rate for 2025-26 academic year is $741.
Purchase a permit
Resident Students
Use your parking account to add/edit waitlist, to update your vehicle information, purchase permits once awarded or appeal/pay citations.
Remaining permits will be put online for sale first-come, first serve. First-year freshman are not eligible to purchase.
All resident permits are sold for the academic year.
Parking facilities are limited on campus and are not guaranteed. No exchanges will be granted. All dates are tentative and subject to change.
- Waitlist Instructions
Parking Waitlist
Academic Year 2024-2025 waitlists are available to eligible residents until all permits are sold.
The waitlists will be moved at a regular interval. Students will be notified by Cal Poly e-mail and offered the opportunity to purchase a permit within a specific timeframe.
View the steps or follow directions below to be added to the waitlist.
- Login to your Parking Account
- Scroll to bottom and select, “Add/Edit Waitlists”
- Use the “My.Calpoly.Edu Login” to sign into your account
- Select Next >> from the Add/Edit Waitlist screen and follow the prompts to make your selection.
- You can only be on one waitlist.
You will be notified by email when you can purchase your permit.
- Parking Rates
Permit Type 2023/2024 2024/2025 Resident Annual- All Locations $710 $726 - First-Year Resident Parking Policy
Cal Poly first-year resident students are prohibited from bringing vehicles to campus for the entire duration of their first year (fall through spring quarters). This includes students who have enough credits to be considered sophomores. First-year resident students are not eligible to purchase any campus parking permits including daily, weekly and quarterly permits.
We realize that first-year students will want to take advantage of the many activities available off-campus as part of their college experience. A number of sustainable transportation options are available for all Cal Poly students include: Zipcar, PolyRides, bike racks and bike lockers, taxi/Uber/Lyft, SLO transit (free with Cal Poly ID!), RTA bus and Amtrak bus.
Students who can demonstrate a compelling need or who would suffer undue hardship under the Freshman Parking Policy can apply for an exception.
Guidelines for restricting first-year students from bringing vehicles to campus have been established at a large majority of California Universities including UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, UC Merced, UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego, Stanford and Santa Clara University.
Interpretation and Enforcement of this Policy
We ask that students comply with the spirit of this policy by not bringing vehicles to San Luis Obispo. Cal Poly works with its neighbors to reduce traffic flow and students are expected to help Cal Poly be a good neighbor. Most surrounding streets and neighborhoods require a City parking permit that are limited to the property owner or authorized recipient who currently reside within the residential district boundaries.
Exception Process
A limited number of spaces have been allocated to accommodate first-year residents who demonstrate a compelling need or who would suffer undue hardship under the First-Year Resident Parking Policy. Exception requests require appropriate justification for approval. PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD MEDICAL DOCUMENTATION. The link to the exception application will be posted below beginning August 1, 2025.
Exceptions will be reviewed by a committee consisting of a diverse group of staff and student representatives. Granted exceptions will be kept to a minimum. Committee decisions are considered final. Exception requests must be approved prior to bringing a vehicle to campus.
To submit a request for an exception, complete the application and submit during the application window. Applications will only be accepted during the application window. Applications submitted with an email other than a Cal Poly email will not be reviewed.
2025/2026 Academic Year Application Process timeline Application Open August 1, 2025 Application Due August 15, 2025 at 11:59 pm Committee Review August 18-29, 2025 Decisions Emailed September 2, 2025 If the deadline has passed and you still need to be considered for an exemption, please email
There are few reasons that students would receive an exception automatically. Exceptions will be granted for active military status and those students that possess and ADA vehicle placard or license plate.
All other reasons require documentation and justification. All requests will be reviewed by committee and considered on a case by case basis:
- Care of a family member
- Employment or Internship
- Other special considerations
Students that provide documentation that is falsified will be referred to Office of Student Rights and Responsibliltiies (OSRR).
Parking Today
- Waitlist Instructions