Bicycle Parking and Storage

Bike Registration

Bike Wash and Fix-It Stations

Bike Rack

Bike Lockers

BikeLink Short-Term Bike Lockers

bike award

Cal Poly is proud to be a Bicycle Friendly University!

Bike Registration

Register your bike for free with Cal Poly Police. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to register any valuable item they may keep or bring on campus. Anything of value with a serial number such as a phone, computer, or bicycle can be registered. If you wish to register any item of property, use the Property Registration form.

Bike Wash and Fit-It Stations

Fix it up yourself with tools, bike pumps and some with water to wash off the Poly Canyon dirt. Find fix-it stations in these locations.

bike fix it station

Bike Racks

With over 7,700 spaces in more than 900 locations on campus, it’s easy to find a spot to lock your bike at Cal Poly.

Find a bike rack closest to your destination.

Be sure to lock it up safely! Use our guide to protect your bike.

bike lock

Bike Lockers

Rent a secure bike locker and your bike will be clean and dry and ready to ride any time of year.

The bike lockers are located throughout campus at 14 locations. View the map to find all the options.

Residential Locations 24-25 Availability
(subject to change)
Cerro Vista Near Romauldo and Morro towers Not Available
Muir Behind Muir dorms Not Available
North Mountain Near Shasta and Diablo dorms Not Available
Poly Canyon Village Village Drive Structure (R-3 structure) at Village Dr. Not Available
Poly Canyon Village Canyon Circle Structure (R-4 structure) at north entrance and Canyon Circle Dr. Not Available
Sierra Madre Tower 5 Not Available
Shasta Hall Located on Village Drive Not Available
Tenaya Behind Tenaya dorms Not Available
Whitney In between Whitney & Palomar dorms Not Available
yakʔitʸutʸu Adjacent to Structure 131 Not Available
Campus Locations
Mott Gym Mustang Way Not Available
Building 52 Via Carta and Poly View Not Available
Crandall Gym East-side courtyard Not Available
Building 14 Across from Dexter lawn Not Available
C-7 parking lot California Blvd & N. Perimeter Rd Not Available
H-1 parking lot Mt. Bishop Road Not Available
bike locker map on campus

For New/First Time Bike Locker Rental

Complete the request at the link below to help us match you to your best bike locker location. You will need to know your top three location choices to finish the request form. We will follow up with you to agree on a locker location, process rental payment and hand over the key.

For Renewal

Please follow this link to your Parking Account and select the bike locker rental option to pay for the upcoming quarter.

Rental Fee

The lockers rent for $25 per quarter. You can rent a locker one quarter at a time or for the academic year (fall, winter and spring quarters).

NEW! BikeLink Short-Term Bike Lockers

Cal Poly partners with the SLOCOG and The City of San Luis Obispo to unveil new On-Demand Bike Lockers on Cal Poly campus, providing community members with secure and convenient storage solutions. These lockers are located along Tahoe Rd, adjacent to the Music Center and across the University Union.

Fully enclosed lockers, operated by BikeLink, offer cyclists secure and convenient storage solutions for their bicycles. The lockers can be “rented” and accessed by individual community members via the BikeLink mobile app. Locker rentals are priced at $0.05/hour.


  1. Download the Bike Link App
    1. Google Play
    2. Apple App Store
  2. Start Rental
    1. Sign in or sign up, select a locker, adjust rental time and tap “Start Rental & Open Door”
  3. Park Bike
    1. Park rear wheel first with your helmet and riding gear.
  4. Retrieve Bike
    1. Return to locker. Open app and tap “End Rental & Open Door”

Only human and electric powered vehicles are permitted. Gas powered vehicles, incomplete vehicles, and general storage is prohibited. Violators are subject to penalties. Prohibited items may be discarded without further notice. Click here for more details.

Notice: Cameras in use. Users waive any claim to the right to privacy to items placed inside lockers.

Please visit the BikeLink Website for more information or email us for questions.

Bike Resources

Bike Kitchen

SLO Bike Maps