Risk & Safety Solutions

Cal Poly Safety Management System

California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo currently uses Risk and Safety Solutions (RSS) as the Safety Management System. RSS is used on campus to conduct workplace and laboratory hazard assessments, to conduct workplace and laboratory inspections, to compile chemical inventories, and to help manage hazardous waste. The software allows Principal Investigators, Instructional Support Technicians, Equipment Support Technicians, Delegates, and/or other responsible parties to identify and manage risks on campus while meeting safety compliance. RSS is available as a website format. A mobile app can also be downloaded for use on your cell phone or tablet.

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All live training dates have passed. Recodings of each are provided below.

Date Subject Description Recordning Link
10/7/2022 Relaunch RSS relaunch, new modules, what to expect, resources, etc. Recording
11/4/2022 RSS Setup Groups, new naming convention, profiles, etc. Recording
1/27/2023 Hazardous Waste WASTe module Recording
3/10/2023 Chemical Inventory & SDS RSS Chemical inventory module, RFID Scanning & SDS Access Recording
4/7/2023 Assess RSS Assessment module Recording
5/12/2023 Inspect RSS Inspection module Recording


Environmental Health & Safety