Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why can't the renovation happen while the building is open?
A: The university is required to close the building to comply with safety protocols. Safety is our number one concern for the Cal Poly Community.
Q: Where will I study when the library building is closed?
A: The library renovation team has worked closely with partners from across the university to identify service and student study hub locations. You can find a map of these locations by visiting Temporary Locations.
Q: What will happen to the books during the library transformation?
A: Highly requested books will be stored in various locations on campus and accessible through OneSearch on the library website at https://lib.calpoly.edu/search-and-find/.
Q: How long will the building be closed for?
A: The building is scheduled to close for renovation summer 2023, with the opening of the renovated building slated for fall 2025.
Q: Why is the renovation being done now?
A: Cal Poly received project funding from the state in 2022 enabling the project to move forward.
Q: What is the scope of the project?
A: The partial scope of the project includes:
- New main circulation stair
- New fire sprinklers & fire alarm system throughout
- Seismic upgrades, structural strengthening
- New paint, carpet, ceilings throughout
- Courtyard updates
- New Café at Level 1
- New HVAC with cooling throughout building
- New exterior glazing with added insulation
- Roof replacement with added insulation
- New LED lighting throughout
- Improved wireless access points at Level 1
- New all-gender and ADA restrooms on every floor
- New classrooms
Q: Why is the work being done?
A: This work is being done to support the goals and objectives of the Kennedy Library, and is part of the University's Master Plan. Kennedy Library, built in 1980, is over 40 years old and in need of major system upgrades.
Q: Who do I contact if I have an issue with the project?
A: Any questions about the renovation should be directed to Facilities Management and Development Help Center, at facilities-cbs@calpoly.edu.
Q: What is happening to library staff during the transformation?
A: The library staff will remain fully employed in their roles and will temporarily move to alternate locations during the transformation.
Q: Why did the C7 study structures get decommissioned?
A: The C7 tents went up at the beginning of fall quarter 2023 as a temporary space for students to study while the library building is closed for construction. According to data collected from both a campuswide survey and the Occuspace app, the structures averaged only eight users daily, with peak occupancy reaching only 9% since their installation. Regular site visits also confirmed the low usage. The temporary study structure in lot H11 will remain open. Additional study spaces, like Hub24 in the UU, are available and can be found here.
Q: Will there be access to computer stations during the Library closure?
A: Yes. Computers will be available to students and staff at the temporary study spaces listed on the Temporary Locations page. These computers require users to have Cal Poly login credentials. A single public access computer will be available in the Crandall temporary space. Public access computers, study rooms, and free Wi-Fi are also available at the San Luis Obispo Public Library.