Geology Map Proposal Plan

Water Reclamation Facility

Project Summary:

To design and construct an on-campus Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF) to process a portion of the raw campus wastewater currently sent to the City of San Luis Obispo's treatment plant, thereby using the potable water supply resource twice (once as potable and once as tertiary treated and disinfected Title 22 water for campus irrigation purposes) and saving the money required to both purchase additional potable water supply and to treat additional wastewater, with potable supply and treatment capacity being identified as the primary constraints that would limit campus growth in accordance with the Campus Master Plan.

Stage of Development:

South of Swine Unit
Project Budget:
$35.5 Million
Planning: February 2021
Preconstruction: July 2023
Construction: June 2024
Occupancy: March 2026
Acceptance: June 2026
Delivery Method:
Collaborative Design Build
FPCP Project Manager:
Patrick Engels

Facilities Management and Development
GSE Construction