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Appointment Salary For New Employees

For a new appointee to a State staff position at Cal Poly, the hiring department, with approval from the appropriate appointing authority, may establish the appointment salary at a rate not to exceed 10% above the minimum of the salary range.

Appointments above the first 10% of the salary range may be authorized for reasons of proven recruitment/retention difficulties; prevention of substantial salary loss by the preferred candidate; or exceptional qualifications of the preferred candidate. In addition, the Agreement between the CSU Board of Trustees and the California State University Employees' Union (CSUEU) allows for a recruitment bonus. This bonus would be based on the same reasons stated above, but would be a one-time only payment. After obtaining approval from the appointing authority, the hiring department shall submit written justification for such requests to the Director of Human Resources for final review and approval.

Salary Adjustments For Miscellaneous Actions

Promotion, Reclassification or Skill Level (in-class progression) Changes

When an employee moves without a break in service to a classification or skill level with a higher salary range, an increase of no less than 5 percent (or two steps) and no more than 10% (or four steps) may be granted by the appropriate administrator (except that at no time can the amount exceed the maximum of the salary range). Written requests for increases of more than 10% must be submitted to the Director of Human Resources for final review, approval and processing. Such requests must demonstrate a compelling rationale to exceed the 10% cap and must be based on business exigency that is substantiated by current relevant market salary data and demonstrated exceptional skills.

The CSU/CSUEU, APC, SETC, and SUPA collective bargaining agreements provide for In-Range Progressions (IRP) for employees in bargaining units 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Refer to the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for full details. In-classification progressions are available to Confidential employees as outlined in the CSU technical letter HR1996-15, Supplement 1.

The below guidelines outline the contract language and process for requesting IRPs for staff.

Unit(s) Definition/Criteria IRP Request
(Unit 2, 5, 7, and 9)
Article 20.24: In-Range Progression

An increase within a salary range for a single classification or within a sub-range of a classification with skill levels is referred to as an In-Range Progression. When the President, the President's designee, or appropriate administrator determines that an in-range progression should occur, the salary shall increase by at least three percent (3.0%). An in-range progression may be granted for reasons that include, but are not limited to:

  • Assigned application of new or enhanced skill(s);
  • Retention;
  • Equity;
  • Performance;
  • Out-of-classification work that does not warrant a reclassification;
  • Increased Workload
  • New lead work or new project coordination functions given to an employee on an on-going basis by an appropriate administrator where the classification standard/series do not specifically list lead work as a typical duty or responsibility; and/or
  • other salary related criteria.

The decision of the President, made in accordance with this provision, regarding the award of an in-range progression shall be final and shall not be subject to either Article 7, Grievance Procedure or Article 8, Complaint Procedure.

A request for an in-range progression review may be submitted by the employee or manager. A management initiated request for an in-range progression may cover more than one employee. Employee initiated in-range progression requests shall be submitted to the appropriate administrator before being forwarded to Human Resources. An employee shall not submit a request for an in-range progression prior to twelve (12) months following receipt of a response to any prior in-range progression requests. If an administrator has not forwarded the request to Human Resources within thirty (30) days, the employee can file the request directly with Human Resources.

In-range progression review of employee requests shall be completed within ninety (90) days after the request is received in Human Resources. If an employee receives a denial of request for an in-range progression under this Article, then the campus shall provide the employee with a written reason for the denial.

Where an employee has been notified in writing that the employee's in-range progression was denied solely due to a lack of funds, upon the employee's request, the employee's in-range progression application shall be re-evaluated in the following fiscal year.

Funds for in-range progressions may come from campus funds, and/or total settlement costs resulting from bargaining between the parties on salary matters.

For employees represented by CSUEU, an IRP request is made via the completion of the HR IRP Form, available on the Human Resources website Forms page.

(Unit 4)
Article 23.11: In-Range Progression - Campus Funded

An increase in an employee's pay rate within a salary range of a classification due to:

  • increased responsibilities and skills of the employee,
  • in recognition of extraordinary performance, or
  • for market or pay equity reasons,
is referred to as in-range progression.

When an in-range progression occurs, the appropriate salary increase shall be determined by the President. Such increases shall be campus funded. This provision 23.11 shall not be subject to Article 10, Grievance Procedures. The decision of the President to award or not award an in-range increase under this provision, or regarding the amount of such increase, shall be final and non-grievable. However, APC may grieve an alleged violation of a specific term of this provision 23.11, subject to provision 10.5.F.4.

A request for an in-range progression review may be submitted by the employee or manager. Employee initiated in-range progression requests shall be submitted to Human Resources. An employee shall not submit a request for an in-range progression prior to twelve (12) months following submission of any prior in-range progression request by the employee. Review of an in-range progression request shall be completed within ninety (90) days.

For employees represented by APC, the appropriate program manager or the employee writes a memo outlining the justification for the IRP based on the criteria provided in Article 23.11 of the contract.

(Unit 6)
Article 24.5-24.10: In-Range Progression

An increase within a salary range that is not given for merit is referred to as an In-Range Progression. An in-range progression of at least three percent (3%) may be awarded when the President, the President's designee, or appropriate administrator determines that an in-range progression should occur. Factors to be considered for granting such progressions shall include but not be limited to:

  • Long-term servie;
  • Retention;
  • Equity;
  • Assigned application of enhanced skill(s);
  • Performance;
  • Out-of-classifcation work that does not warrant a reclassifcation;
  • Increased workload;
  • New lead work or new project coordination functions given to an employee on an on-going basis by an appropriate administrator where the classification standard/series do not specifically list lead work as a typical duty or responsibility; and ;
  • Other salary related criteria.

The decision of the President, made in accordance with this provision, regarding the award if an in-range progression shall be final and shall not be subject to Article 9, Grievance Procedure.

A request for an in-range progression review may be submitted by the employee or manager. A management initiated request for an in-range progression request shall be submitted to the appropriate administrator before being forwarded to Human Resources. An employee shall not submit a request for an in-range progression prior to twelve (12) months following the receipt of a denial of a request for an in-range progression, or prior to 12 months from the effective date of an award of an in-range progression. If an administrator has not forwarded the request to Human Resources within thirty (30) days, the employee can file the request directly with Human Resources.

Funds for in-range progressions may come from campus funds, and/or total settlement costs resulting from bargaining between the parties on salary matters.

In-range progression review of employee requests shall be completed within ninety (90) days after the request is received in Human Resources. If an employee receives a denial of request for an in-range progression under this Article, then the campus shall provide the employee with a written reason for denial.

For employees represented by SETC, the appropriate program manager writes a memo outlining the justification for the IRP based on the criteria provided in articles 24.5 - 24.10 of the contract.

(Unit 8)
Article 21.14: In-Range Progression

An increase in an employee's pay rate within a salary range due to:

  • increased responsibilities and skills of the employee, or;
  • for market or pay equity reasons, or;
  • for performance reasons,
is referred to as an In-Range Progression. When an in-range progression occurs, the appropriate salary step or half-step increase shall be determined by the President. All increases shall result in the employee's pay rate remaining on either a step or half-step rate. Such increases shall be campus funded. This provision shall not be subject to Article 7, Grievance Procedure. The decision of the President to award or not award an in-range increase under this provision and the amount of such increase shall be final and non-grievable.

The appropriate administrator for the department submits an in-range progression request.

For employees represented by SUPA, the appropriate program manager writes a memo outlining the justification for the IRP based on the criteria provided in article 21.14 of the contract.

HR Letter 1996-15, Supplement 1

The concept of "in-classification progression" will be used for this series. Movement between skill levels in the same classification does not require a reclassification. A campus president may provide a salary increase to an employee at any time for movement within skill level as appropriate. Such increases are paid out of campus funds.

For Confidential employees, the appropriate program manager writes a memo outlining the justification for the in-classification progression and submits an updated position description to demonstrate the movement between skill levels.

I. Effective Date and Funding

The effective date of IRPs is the first of the month following receipt of the request in Human Resources. Funding for IRPs will be from the requesting department's budget.

II. Criteria

The criteria used as justification for an IRP request differs by bargaining unit. Please refer to the table above for reasons supported by the employee's respective bargaining unit.

III. Procedures/Approval

  1. A HR IRP Form and/or memo with written justification/rationale for the IRP must be completed and signed by the appropriate administrator(s). The appropriate Vice President reviews the requests and forwards the completed form and/or written justification/rationale to Human Resources. A specific amount of increase and percentage must be included (CSUEU and SETC bargaining unit contracts require a minimum 3.0% increase).
  2. The Vice President of Human Resources is the President's designee and the appropriate administrator for final determination of IRP requests.
  3. Human Resources will discuss the request with the appropriate program manager and/or Vice President prior to making a final determination.
  4. Human Resources will send a notification letter of approval or non-approval to the appropriate administrator and applicable program manager.

Bonus Plans

Certain collective bargaining contracts allow for one-time bonus payments for individual or group exceptional performance, retention and/or critical skills (refer to appropriate collective bargaining agreements for specifics). A memo documenting the rationale for such a request must be submitted to the Director of Human Resources for final review, approval and processing.

Compensation Forms

For Compensation Forms, please see the Forms page.