Credit card pick up is now at Cashier’s office in building 1 between 8:30-4:30.

2025 Procard & Hospitality Updates


Cal Poly provides the University a ProCard to pay for low risk, low-dollar goods valued at $5,000 or less that do not require a Purchase Order. It is designed to delegate authority and responsibility to enable users to quickly and conveniently make low-dollar purchases, therefore it is the best payment solution for such goods and should always be considered before other methods, especially reimbursement.

ProCard Benefits:

  • Efficient, timely and cost effective
  • Able to procure low dollar items in person, by mail, by phone, or online
  • Eliminates the need for vendor payment requests or reimbursements which have time-consuming and costly processes
  • Vendors are paid immediately by the credit card company, increasing vendor goodwill
  • Vendors are paid directly, eliminating financial burden from students or employees
  • Reduces number of payments; University makes one payment to bank (to pay credit card bill) rather than one payment per transaction or per vendor.

It is each Cardholder's responsibility to read, understand and abide by the ProCard Policy and Procedures.

Certain categories, like software and furniture, require a waiver for a ProCard purchase. Waiver must be obtained prior to purchase. Learn how

ProCard Purchases: What's Allowable and Non-allowable

Stay informed about allowable and non-allowable ProCard purchases to ensure compliance with university policies. Review the full guidelines to make responsible purchasing decisions.

View Uses of Procard
ProCard Waivers with CSUBUY P2P

Certain categories, like software and furniture, require a waiver for a ProCard purchase. Waiver must be obtained prior to purchase.

To request a waiver:

  1. Open a requisition in CSUBUY P2P (black version) using the correct online form for your purchase.
    • Use No Name Supplier since the ProCard supplier most likely won’t be in CSUBUY.
  2. Requisition goes through the proper workflow/approval process.
  3. Buyer cancels requisition and sends note to include the canceled req number (waiver #) on ProCard statement in the transaction field.
Month Reconciliation Period (in PeopleSoft) Statement is Due (
January 16th - 30th 30th
February 18th - 27th March 7th
March 18th - 27th April 7th
April 16th - 29th May 7th
May 16th - 29th June 7th
June 17th - 29th July 7th
July 16th - 30th August 7th
August 18th - 28th September 7th
September 16th - 29th October 7th
October 16th - 30th November 7th
November 18th - 25th December 7th
December 16th - 23rd January 7th


ProCard website(forms, tutorials and other resources)
US Bank 24-Hour Customer Service (800) 344-5696
US Bank Fraud Prevention Line (800) 523-9078
US Bank Access Online Customer Support (877) 887-9260
US Bank website (view current balance, current and past transactions, credit limit, dispute a transaction)
ProCard Program Administrator Kevin Hayes