Classroom Locksets Upgrade Pilot
The safety of our campus community is one of the top priorities for Facilities Management & Development. In response to growing concerns about classroom safety in an emergency FMD has implemented a pilot program to upgrade the locksets in select classrooms and teaching labs. Prior to the start of Fall Quarter 2018 new locksets were installed in Building 38 Mathematics, Building 22 English, and Building 10 Agriculture. These buildings were selected due to their high use.
As of Fall 2019 the pilot was expanded further to include classrooms and teaching labs across campus. A comprehensive list of all buildings where the new locksets were installed, including floorplans, can be found below Maps. Effective January 2020 installation of the new locksets will continue in the following buildings: Building 03 Business, Building 42 Robert E. Mott Physical Education, Building 180 Baker Center for Science & Math.
There are two types of lockset depending on the existing classroom configuration.
Type A – “Flip Lock”
The thumbturns on the inside of the door allow occupants to quickly lock the door from the inside without opening the door or entering the hallway. The locks have an indicator on the inside that displays whether the door is locked or unlocked.

Type B – “Push-Bar Lock”
The thumbturn on the pushbar locks require approximately two rotations to lock. There is a directional lock/unlock sticker as opposed to the indicator on the flip lock.

On both lock styles first responders can enter the room using a key when locked. The doors can be freely opened from inside the room with a single action to exit, even when locked. These new locksets are fully compliant with all fire and life safety requirements.
Instructional video on how to operate the new locksets.
Information on the drive behind this pilot
Interview with Jude Fledderman, Executive Director for Facilities Operations, Derek Gragson, Associate Dean, College of Science and Mathematics, and Anton Kaul, Professor of Mathematics.
Share your Thoughts
Early in Winter Quarter the campus community will be invited to participate in a survey and share their thoughts and feedback on the pilot locksets. Facilities Management & Development is committed to continuing to improve classroom safety and your feedback will help to guide decisions on future lockset upgrades.
Building 02
Campus location for building 02
Building 02 floorplan (pdf)

Building 05
Campus location for building 05
Building 05 floorplan (pdf)

Building 06
Campus location for building 06
Building 06 floorplan (pdf)

Building 08
Campus location for building 08
Building 08 floorplan (pdf)

Building 10
Campus location for building 10
Building 10 floorplan (pdf)

Building 11
Campus location for building 11
Building 11 floorplan (pdf)

Building 13
Campus location for building 13
Building 13 floorplan (pdf)

Building 14
Campus location for building 14
Building 14 floorplan (pdf)

Building 20
Campus location for building 20
Building 20 floorplan (pdf)

Building 21
Campus location for building 21
Building 21 floorplan (pdf)

Building 22
Campus location for building 22
Building 22 floorplan (pdf)

Building 24
Campus location for building 24
Building 24 floorplan (pdf)

Building 26
Campus location for building 26
Building 26 floorplan (pdf)

Building 33
Campus location for building 33
Building 33 floorplan (pdf)

Building 34
Campus location for building 34
Building 34 floorplan (pdf)

Building 38
Campus location for building 38
Building 38 floorplan (pdf)

Building 52
Campus location for building 52
Building 52 floorplan (pdf)

Building 53
Campus location for building 53
Building 53 floorplan (pdf)

Building 186
Campus location for building 186
Building 186 floorplan (pdf)

Building 192
Campus location for building 192
Building 192 floorplan (pdf)

Interesting facts about the Classroom Locksets Upgrade Pilot
- Almost 100 locks in twenty different buildings were upgraded for this project.
- There are many different lock down and barricade devices available on the market, but very few comply with fire & life safety codes as required by State law. The locks Cal Poly has installed are 100% code compliant and allow quick lock down of a classroom from the inside while still providing first responders the ability to enter with a key when needed.
- The locks installed use thumbturns instead of keys on the inside providing the ability for anybody in the classroom to lock the door quickly in an emergency instead of waiting for a key holder.
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